Sketchley's Translations Main Index
By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 2.0 2021.02.10

Episode: M16A & B: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Eps. 16 "Kung-fu Dandy"

• "Episode: M16A: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Eps. 16 "Kung-fu Dandy"." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. 01 Oct. 2013: 19-20.
• "Episode: M16B: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Eps. 16 "Kung-fu Dandy"." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. 01 Oct. 2013: 21-22.

Sheet A Front Reverse Sheet B Front Reverse

Sheet A Front

Episode 16: Kung-fu Dandy
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross
On air date: 1983.01.30
Story (translation pending)
(translation pending)

Commentary The episode where Kaifun, who made his entrance in the preceeding episode, affects not only Hikaru, but Misa as well. Misa notices the traces of the deceased Riber in Kaifun. However, the actual Kaifun abhors fighting even more than Riber, and Misa seems to have had extremely complicated emotions about him. Misa is at such a loss as to what to do about Kaifun, to the extent that she can't respond to Hikaru who picks a fight with her, that she is late in giving the Daedalus Attack directions. Because of that, even though they succeed in driving away the enemy, Hikaru is seriously injured. In between such serious incidents, it's soothing to see the trio of hungry Zentrādi spies being helped to a meal by the missus of a soba shop. One could say that this atmosphere, in which the daily life of the lower parts of the town and science fiction strangely coexist—such as the return of the prodigal son and the vagrants (the aliens) who are reduced to poverty—is one of the distinctive characteristics of "Super Dimensional Fortress Macross".
(translation pending)
"My Boyfriend's A Pilot" Lynn Minmei (Mari Ījima)

Characters and Mechanic that appear
Ichijō Hikaru / Lynn Minmei / Hayase Misa / Roy Fokker / Claudia LaSalle / Bruno J. Global
Kim Kabirov / Shammy Milliome / Vanessa Leyard / Maximillian Jīnasu / Kakizaki Hayao / Miria Farīna Jīnasu / Lynn Kaifun
Buritai Kuridaniku / Exsedor Formo / Warera/Rory/Konda / Kamujin Kraveshera / Rapu Ramizu / Bodoruzā
Town Council Chairman / Yotchan / Minmei's uncle / Minmei's aunt / Riber Von Fruhling / Oiguru / Panappu/Mei/Pocky
Macross / (N) VF-1J (Hikaru) / VF-1J (Max) / VF-1J (Miria) / VF-1S / (N) VF-1A (general)
VF-1A (Max) / VF-1A (Kakizaki) / Tomahawk / Defender / Phalanx / Spartan / Monster
Rigādo / Gurāji / Nūjaderu-Gā / Quadoran-Rō / Buritai's Ship
[Jināru] Fighter Pod / Quadoran-Roh (Miria) / Kamujin's Ship / Rap Ramizu's ship

N: Normal, S: Super Valkyrie, A: Armoured Valkyrie

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Sheet A Reverse

[Captions and quotes from the episode (translation pending)]

Topics—"The Hated" Lynn Kaifun Lynn Kaifun is a handsome Chinese martial arts master. However, he is an extreme pacifist, who agitates Hikaru and the others even in this episode with his sharp personality. His character was controversial even at the time of the original broadcast, and although he fought bravely and took seventh place in the male division of the popularity contests in the mook books at that time, fans left such comments as "if he had a more amenable character..." Incidentally, among the staff of "Macross", Ichirō Itano and Toshihiro Hirano (presently Toshiki Hirano) also seemed to have had ill feelings for Kaifun, and left such comments as "he needs to be drafted into the armed forces."

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Sheet B Front

Episode 16 "Kung-fu Dandy"
[Captions and quotes from the episode (translation pending)]

Topics—The Strenuous Battle Of The Destroid Corps A good measure of this episode is used on the activities of the Destroids, with Spartans challenging a wave of Rigādo to a close quarters fight being first on the list. The Destroids were introduced as principal mecha that equal the Valkyrie in the anime magazines before broadcasting started, and many plastic models and finished toys were released. However, in the anime the Destroids were often in roles were they suffered damage. It is said that mecha fans passionately cheered for the hard fighting Destroids in this episode.

[More captions and quotes from the episode (translation pending)]

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Sheet B Reverse

[Captions and quotes from the episode (translation pending)]
[More captions and quotes from the episode (translation pending)]

Preview of the Next Episode Hikaru, who was shot down in a dog fight with Miria, the ace pilot of the Zentrādi Forces, was seriously wounded. Hikaru, who has been carried into an operating room, has nightmares in his hazy conciousness. Next time, "Super Dimensional Fortress Macross", "Phantasm".

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© Aaron Sketchley