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By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 1.0 2014.05.05

Episode: M32A & B: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Eps. 32 "Broken Heart"

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"Episode: M32A: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Eps. 32 "Broken Heart"." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed.. 28 Apr. 2014: 25-26.


Super Dimensional Fortress Macross
Episode 32: Broken Heart
On air date: 1983.05.29


The episode that shows Kamjin, who leads the Lost Zentraadi, in lead-role class activities. The activities of Kamjin in this episode, such as taking hostages and having dealings with the Unified Forces, the kiss with Rap Ramizu taking the name of "culture", and being influenced by Western films and trying to operate a Monster like a horse, depict examples where Earth's culture has had a negative effect on him, and bring to the fore the differences with the Zentraadi, such as Exsedor and others, who are truly converted to the culture. On the other hand, Minmei -who was taken hostage by such a Kamjin- incurs a great shock when her songs do not deeply move -as far as Kamjin was concerned-, and instead she is sneered at for being only curious. The love triangle that surrounds Hikaru finally becomes clear, with Minmei attracted to Hikaru, who came to rescue her when she was stricken with powerlessness; and Misa, who is jealous of Hikaru when he is eager to head toward Minmei's rescue.



"Sunset Beach" Lynn Minmei (Iijima Mari)
"Love Flows" Lynn Minmei (Iijima Mari)
"Runner" Lynn Minmei (Iijima Mari)

* "Runner" flows in the last scene where Minmei sees Hikaru off.

Characters and Mechanic that appear
Note: items that appear are in colour with a yellow background; (y) in the following. Items that don't appear are black and white.

(y) Ichijo Hikaru / (y) Lynn Minmei / (y) Hayase Misa / Roy Fokker / (y) Claudia LaSalle / (y) Bruno J. Global
Kim Kabrinov / Shammy Milliom / Vanessa Laird / Maximilian Jiinasu / Kakizaki Hayao / Miria Fariina Jiinasu / (y) Lynn Kaifun
Buritai Kuridaniku / Exsedor Forumo / Warera/Rory/Konda / (y) Kamjin Kravshera / (y) Rap Ramizu / Bodoruzaa
(y) Oiguru

(y) Macross / VF-1J (Hikaru) / VF-1J (Max) / VF-1J (Miria) / (y,N) VF-1S / (y,N) VF-1A (general)
VF-1A (Max) / VF-1A (Kakizaki) / (y) Tomahawk / (y) Defender / Phalanx / Spartan / (y) Monster
(y) Rigaado / (y) Guraaji / Nuujadel-Gaa / Quadoran-Roh / Buritai's Ship
(y) Disc Sensor / (y) VF-1J (standard aircraft)

N: Normal, S: Super Valkyrie, A: Armoured Valkyrie



[Captions and quotes from the episode]

Topics: Kamjin After The First Interstellar War
Though Kamjin supported the Macross's side in the 27th episode, it seems that he belonged to an Earth-side unit for a little while after that. With such things as addressing Commander Global with "old man Global" in this episode, one is able to infer that he seems to be unexpectedly close to Global and the others. Although he was close to the Earth side, it is likely that he came to carry out terrorist activities in this episode with "methods learnt from the Earthlings". In addition, Kamjin's impulsive and straightforward personality seems to have been widely known in the Unified Forces, as Hikaru draughted an operation that forecast Kamjin's character in this episode.


"Episode: M32B: Super Dimensional Fortress Macross Eps. 32 "Broken Heart"." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed.. 28 Apr. 2014: 27-28.


[Captions and quotes from the episode]

Topics: Oiguru's Great Efforts
Although Oiguru was active in a supporting role for Kamjin, such as commanding the fleet for Kamjin when he sorties, unusually in this episode he boards and sorties in a Rigaado. In the last part of this episode, there's a scene where Oiguru displays skill as a pilot when he defeats a Destroid Monster with the kick of a Rigaado, which had run out of bullets, and.



[More captions and quotes from the episode]

Topics: The Vehicle Rap Ramizu Boards
Just like Oiguru, Rap Ramizu -who was mainly fleet command up to now- borrows and sorties in Kamjin's Guraaji in this episode. The Guraaji is used in this episode as a prop that shows the faint affection between Kamjin and Rap Ramizu, with such things as Kamjin lending his personal Guraaji to her, and deciding to evacuate her when the Guraaji is being shot at.

Preview of the Next Episode
Misa worries that she personally cannot be honest. Claudia worries about such a Misa, and makes Misa listen to her personal experience. Fokker and Claudia in their younger days appear in the story.
Next time, "Super Dimensional Fortress Macross", "Rainy Night".


© Aaron Sketchley