Sketchley's Translations Main Index
By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 2.3 2024.05.02

Glossary 06A: MDE Shells - Ozuma Lee

• "Glossary Sheet 06." Macross Chronicle. 17 Sept. 2009: 27-28.
• "Glossary Sheet 06A." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. 07 May. 2013: 19-20.

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MDE Ammunition [F]

A warhead developed by L.A.I. Co. for use against the Vajra. Its official name is the "Micro Dimension Eater Ammunition". It is a miniaturized version of the large "Dimension Eater" that can be loaded into gun pods and so on.1 Fine particles of Fold Quartz collected from the Small Vajra are used in the warhead, and after being tested by SMS, the shells were also fielded by the New Unified Forces. It is not high-speed, armour-piercing ammunition with enhanced penetrating power, but rather seems to be a special warhead that erodes and destroys the outer shell of the Vajra by causing an instantaneous and temporary localized transposition phenomenon upon impact. Even though it is one of the few effective weapons against the Vajra, who have acquired resistance to existing weapons, there is a high possibility that someday an individual will appear that can even resist MDE ammunition. So, it is not an omnipotent weapon.2

Translator's notes:
1 sentence not in the original ed.
2 original ed. had: "Even though it is one of the few effective armaments against the Vajra—who acquire resistance toward existing armaments from the feedback to the individuals of the next generation as they accumulate battle experience—it is by no means omnipotent, as it is inevitable that Vajra individuals will appear that resist even the MDE ammunition if combat is prolonged."

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MBR-07 Mk II Spartan [M]
Caption: [MBR-07 Mk II Spartan] Hikaru Ichijō boarded a Spartan to suppress a Zentrādi riot that broke out at an airport. At that time, the Spartan was equipped with a special riot suppression club, which was intended to enhance its hand-to-hand combat capabilities.

A Destroid that was developed with the assumption that it would be used for close combat with giant-sized aliens. Because it was developed under the leadership of a different manufacturer (Sentinental Co.) than that of the Tomahawk and Defender, the Spartan incorporates equipment and functions that set it apart from the existing Destroids. The main features of the Spartan include manipulators with five fingers, and a weight reduction by omitting the secondary power reactor, resulting in heavy armour and nimble mobility. In addition to being active in hand-to-hand combat against enemy Battle Pods and Battlesuits, the Spartan was also used in suppression operations against malcontent Zentrādi during the postwar government.

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MBR-04 Mk VI Tomahawk [M, 7]
Caption: [MBR-04 Mk VI Tomahawk] When conducting the Daedalus Attack, Tomahawk take up position in the front row of the bow, and use all the firepower they can muster together when the hatch is opened—and demonstrated the power to destroy an enemy ship from the inside.

It was the first Destroid to be formally adopted, and excelled in close- to medium-range firefights using various armaments placed on the front of the vehicle. For that reason, it was the keystone of the Macross's defence, and many were produced and deployed. It isn't suitable for close quarter combat as the arm manipulators have been replaced by charged particle beam cannons, however it can use the machine-guns and flamethrowers in its chest gun clusters to prevent an enemy from approaching. Incidentally, the lower body unit, in which OTM is extensively used, is used not only for the Tomahawk but also the Defender and Phalanx, and by using common parts, overall producibility has been improved.*

* Translator's note: originally was "Incidentally, the Tomahawk's lower body unit is shared with other Destroids (Defender and Phalanx) because the other Destroids were developed based on the Tomahawk—the earliest Destroid".

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Caption: [MBS] The "Miss Macross Contest"—which used many staff members when it was broadcast live—was a huge success. On the other hand, it caused the situation where a Zentrādi reconnaissance craft, which had intercepted the airwaves, was lured close to the Macross.

A broadcaster set up on the Macross ship after it was sent into Pluto's orbit due to Fold System going out of control. It's official name is "Macross Broadcast System." It appears that MBS produced and broadcast many entertainment programs to alleviate the stress of the ordinary citizens who were forced to live on board the ship, and it was also responsible for the live coverage of the "Miss Macross Contest" held on the ship.

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Ella Fitzgerald [7]
Caption: [Ella Fitzgerald (right)] She is positioned on the left when facing forward from the captain's chair. Many citizens were always visiting the Riviera, in which marine resort facilities had been set up, and it seems that one of their duties was checking the safety of the routes to the ship and managing them.

One of the bridge operators on the CV-404 "Uraga" Space Carrier, which was responsible for guarding the "Riviera" Resort Ship that belongs to the Macross 7 Fleet. While her colleague Livy Donen is attractive for her cheerfulness, Ella is a beautiful woman who exudes a mature femininity, making a good contrast between the two.

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Erinshe [II]
Caption: [Erinshe] A woman who has long hair that reaches down to her ankles and gives her a mystical impression. Her failure to correct Ishtar triggered the displeasure of the Mardūk Commander Ingusu, who had her ship and all within eliminated.

She is the leader of the Song Shrine Maidens (Emulators) who inspire the Mardūk soldiers with songs. Erinshe serves on board the Sāride, the vanguard fleet's flagship, and is in charge of managing the abilities of the Emulators participating in battle (it is unknown whether or not she herself sings). Even though Erinshe privately sympathizes with Ishtar—who came into contact with Earth's culture and has come to question the Mardūk's way of pursuing wars of aggression—she tried to correct her.

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L.V.T. Avenger II [M]
Caption: [L.V.T. Avenger II] OTM does not seem to have been introduced into the aircraft, and it doesn't have any transformation capabilities. Because of that, its structure is simple and highly reliable, and a large number of aircraft were deployed during the period from the Unification War to the First Interstellar war.

A carrier-borne attack craft retained by the Unified Forces. Even though the aircraft size is smaller than that of a normal attack craft, it has superior payload capacity due to the engines being installed in the wing roots. The Avenger II carried 40 airdropped bombs (5 bombs x 8) on pylons under its wings, and was used for anti-ground, anti-ship, and anti-sub attacks.

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L.A.I. Co. [F]

A comprehensive machinery manufacturer in the Macross Frontier Fleet. It has license agreements with the New Unified Forces in the field of armaments manufacturing, and has revised specifications and manufactured all sorts of armaments, including Variable Craft. The VF-25 deployed in S.M.S. was also developed by L.A.I., and its specifications were based on the design data of the prototype YF-24—which was transferred from the New Unified Forces to each Emigrant Planet and Emigrant Fleet—and modified by L.A.I. Other L.A.I. products include the Fold Quartz-using inertia control system (ISC), and equipment (EX-Gear) that dramatically increases the pilot's ability to withstand G-forces. Incidentally, the S.M.S. pilot Luca Angeloni is the heir of L.A.I., and holds the title of Special Adviser to the Technology Development Department.

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Elma Hoily [D7]
Caption: [Elma Hoily] Elma is so positive and cheerful that she doesn't feel the loss of her mother. Even though she can be a bit of an airhead, even Basara recognizes her passion for singing.

A cheerful young girl living on the planet Zola. She aspires to become a singer like her late mother (Maria Hoily), and her daily routine was singing the Basara Nekki songs in the Zolan language that were played on karaoke TV shows. For those reasons, Elma asked to become Basara's apprentice when he visited the planet Zola while chasing after the Galactic Whales. While helping Basara during his stay, she performed her own songs at every opportunity. Incidentally, it's said that Elma become a famous singer on par with Lynn Minmei and Basara Nekki when she grew up, however the details are unknown.

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Elmo Kuridaniku [F]
Caption: [Elmo Kuridaniku] Even though Elmo looks unremarkable in his middle age, there are rumours that he is the genetic descendant of Buritai Kuridaniku. According to those rumours, Elmo was once a Lieutenant Colonel in the Unified Forces Outer Solar System Fleet, but he left the armed forces after becoming fascinated by the potential of singing.

A Zentrādi who runs Vector Promotion, a small talent agency in the Macross Frontier Fleet. He advocates for the realization of peace through song and culture. Impressed by a song he heard Ranka Lee singing in the city, he scouted her into his agency. He closely supported Ranka, but Grace O'Conner snatched away his managerial rights. However, he has not given up on making his dream come true, and is now managing Sheryl Nome, who parted ways with Grace.

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Angel Voice [D7]
Caption: [Angel Voice] The White Whale sang in unison with Basara's voice, accompanied by countless other whales. Planet Zola is home to a graveyard for aged Galactic Whales, and the White Whale's song may have been a wish for the death and rebirth of its companions.

One of the songs in Nekki Basara's repertoire. Basara was so moved by the White Galactic Whale braving the reaction weapons used by the Poaching Group that he passionately sang this song. It seems that the Galactic Whales gained a large amount of energy from this song, and the White Whale also began singing, which became the factor that proved that the Galactic Whales, which were thought to have no sentience, are living creatures with a sentience.

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A•I•U•E•O あいうえ Row

Oiguru [M]
Caption: [Oiguru] As the second-in-command of " Ally Killer Kamujin," Oiguru himself had a strong fighting spirit, and sometimes got into arguments with Rapu Ramizu, with whom they sometimes worked with in joint operations.

He is the Deputy Commander of the 7th Space Armoured Division of the Zentrādi Forces' 109th Branch Fleet, and the right-hand man of Division Commander Kamujin Kuravushera. While he kept Kamujin in check—who tended to go off the rails—Oiguru also demonstrated his ability as a capable second in command, such as taking command of the ship when Kamujin sortied into combat. Even though he seems to have often had a hard time dealing with Kamujin's willingness to fight regardless of it being friend or foe, Oiguru stayed by his side until the very end.

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Large Descent Pod [M]
Caption: [Large Descent Pod] The nozzles on the underside of the fuselage and the verniers on the periphery provide a certain degree of flight capability. In addition, a total of eight gun turrets are installed on the top and bottom of the fuselage, and the pod can also be used as a rear support craft after landing.

A planetary dropship loaded aboard the Zentrādi Suvāru Saran Standard Battleship. It looks like an upside-down plate, and its interior is filled with hangars for paratroopers and Battle Pods. As such, it was mainly used for surface control operations and as a means of transporting troops down to a target planet.

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OTM [Zero, M, Plus, FB, 7, 7Gin, D7, F, Ai, II, Other]
Caption: [OTM] At first, humankind had no choice but to duplicate the mechanisms as-is, without being able to understand their basic principles, and they often ran into various operational problems. The incidents where the Macross's Gravity Control System broke through the deck during its maiden flight and the Fold System vanished after the first space fold are thought to have been caused by forcing the operation of OTM without understanding the principles behind it.

The abbreviation for "Over Technology of Macross," the general term for the advanced alien science and technology acquired from the spaceship (the ASS-1, later referred to as the Macross) that fell to Earth. It is commonly known as "Over Technology". OTM brought about explosive technological innovations to Earth's science and technology, not only changing conventional weapon systems, but also enabling the development of such things as Variable Fighters and Destroids. It also gave humankind completely new concepts such as Gravity Control technology and Fold Navigation. However, it is also true that there was warfare over the rights to the technology in the early stages of OTM's discovery, and this was one of the causes of the Unification War. On the other hand, it was also thanks to OTM that humankind was able to implement space emigration after the end of the First Interstellar War.

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OTEC Co. [M]

A research institute established in March 2000; jointly funded by Japan, the United States, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France; to investigate and study the alien ship (the ASS-1) that had fallen to Earth. The company's research brought alien Over Technology (OTM) to Earth, which led to a dramatic improvement in Earth's technological systems. In addition, in January 2001, a plan to repair and modify the alien spaceship was launched, with the OTEC Co. playing a leading role. Over the course of 8 years, the alien ship was reborn as the SDF-1 Macross, a Unified Forces-registered space ship.

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Autre Mauer [7]
Caption: [Autre Mauer] Even though he had a stern face, he was a capable member of the armed forces, and was highly respected by his troops. However, even Autre Mauer was no match for the Protodevilun, and he was easily possessed by them.

The Unified Forces Captain who served as the commander of the ground warfare unit (the Blue Rhinoceros squad) attached to the Varōta Star System's 4th Planet Survey Group. He landed on the fourth planet as the escort of Ivano Gunther, the survey team's leader, but his mind was taken over by the Protodevilun. Thereafter, he came under Geperunicchi's command as Gigiru, commander of the Varōta Forces, and attacked the Macross 7 Fleet, where he collected Spiritia.

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OCTOS [Zero]
Caption: [OCTOS] The OCTOS deployed in the landing operation on Mayan Island were equipped with the same armaments as the Sv-51, further improving its offensive capabilities. Incidentally, it has been confirmed that the OCTOS was given the code name "Chrome Zwei".

An amphibious Variable Destroid deployed by the Anti Unification force in the battle over the Protoculture inheritance (the Bird Man = Eifos) lying dormant on Mayan Island. It moves at high speed underwater in its submarine form, only to transform after making landfall into its heavy artillery form with its four legs deployed. The OCTOS excels in suppressive warfare, making full use of heavy equipment such as missile launchers, laser guns, and anti-personnel machine-guns.

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Ogotai [F]
Caption: [Ogotai] He looks similar to Buritai Kuridaniku, who fought alongside humankind in the First Interstellar War, but the relationship between the two is unknown. Given his inability to control Temujin, it seems that Ogotai's command ability wasn't as high as Buritai's.

The commander of the "33rd Marines", a Zentrādi unit stationed on Gaul 4, a planet located near the centre of the galaxy. When his subordinate Temujin started a rebellion, he requested that the Macross Frontier Fleet dispatch a live entertainment troupe in an effort to resolve the situation peacefully. Ogotai attempted to quell the rebellion with the power of the songs by Sheryl Nome—who was known as "the Galactic Fairy"—but Temujin ended up taking Sheryl hostage instead.

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Ozuma Lee [F]
Caption: [Ozuma Lee] His skills as a pilot are so top-notch that he always sorties wearing an Armoured Pack, which requires a high level of skill to operate. Incidentally, Ozuma is a fan of the legendary band Fire Bomber*, and even used the names of Fire Bomber songs as the names of flight formations during operations.

* Translator's note: "fan of the legendary Fire Bomber" was initially "fan of Fire Bomber" in the original ed.


A pilot belonging to S.M.S., a private military provider incorporated in the Macross Frontier Fleet. He is the commander of Skull Flight, and goes by the code name "Skull 1 (Leader)". Ozuma was formerly an ace pilot in the Unified Forces and achieved many military gains, but he failed in the 117th Research Fleet escort mission. He was discharged from the military after clashing with the military's top brass—who were keeping the Vajra's existence a secret—but he later joined S.M.S. and returned as a pilot. Ozuma is a broadminded man who executes daring manoeuvres in battle, but in peacetime as Ranka Lee's elder stepbrother, he is extremely overprotective. He is even willing to abuse his authority at S.M.S. for her sake.

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© Aaron Sketchley