Sketchley's Translations Main Index
By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 1.0 2014.07.25

History: F 08A: The Battle Of The Vajra Homeworld
"History: F 08A: The Battle Of The Vajra Homeworld." Macross Chronicle. 18 Feb. 2010: 19-20.
"History: F 08A: The Battle Of The Vajra Homeworld." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed.. 22 Jul. 2014: 17-18

Table of Contents


Illustration by: Takuya Io

Caption: (...)

The Battle Of The Vajra Homeworld
The Fierce Fight Surrounding The Vajra Homeworld, A New World


Related Matter: Sheryl's Revival
A treatment for the V-type Infectious Disease that Sheryl contracted doesn't exist; and as a result, her life also appears to have been running out. However, with the cooperation of Ranka, Sheryl recovered by moving the V-type Bacillus from her head to her abdomen, and she contributed to the fight against the Galaxy Fleet.

Caption: Sheryl was used as the Galaxy Fleet's test object, and was made to unnaturally contract the V-type Infectious Disease.

Right: Sheryl Nome
The V-type Bacillus that enters inside her body affixes to the brain, and emits toxins. However, with the cooperation of Ranka, Sheryl moved the V-type Bacillus to the safe intestines, and carried out her restoration.*

* Translator's note: "however" added in the revised edition.



The Aspirations That Fall Apart
(...) 1st paragraph changed

Caption: (...) changed

Related Matter: The Vajra Homeworld
The Vajra Homeworld, which is located in the central region of the galaxy, is an A Class habitable planet, and as far as the Frontier Fleet was concerned -when they were driven to the brink of destruction-, it is their New World. Also, as it appeared to be a Fold Quartz treasure house -from the fact that the Vajra lived on it in great numbers-, as far as the Galaxy Fleet was concerned, the planet also had an important significance.

Caption: The orbital ring that was formed by vegetation, which is covered in Fold Quartz, seems to have been a nest for Vajra, such as the Queen.

Caption: A vast hydrosphere can be perceived even from space. Celestial bodies, which seem to be satellites, also exist in the neighbourhood of the planet.

Caption: Because it has such things as a vast hydrosphere, a ground that is rich in green, and a breathable atmosphere, the Vajra Homeworld was regarded as a promising Emigrant Planet.

The Battle Over The Vajra Homeworld
(...) changed

On Chart: (1) wreckage, (2) Vajra Homeworld
Table Of Contents:
Vajra Queen, Vajra, VF-25, Battle Frontier, Macross Frontier Fleet
Battle Galaxy, VF-171EX, Macross Quarter

The Frontier Fleet And The End Of The Galaxy Fleet
1 S.M.S. Investigates The "Global"


Caption: (...)

2 The Frontier Fleet Arrives At The Vajra Homeworld

Caption: (...)

3 Ranka's Appearance And The Vajra Counterattack

Caption: (...)

4 S.M.S. Returns And Takes Part In Exposing The Galaxy Fleet
(...) changed

Caption: (...)

5 The Galaxy Fleet Controls The Vajra
(...) changed

Caption: (...)

6 The Frontier Fleet Descends On The Vajra Homeworld

Caption: (...)


© Aaron Sketchley