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By AARON SKETCHLEY ( | Ver 2.0 2021.04.02 |
• "Questionnaire #80." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. 29 Jul, 2014: 37-38.
Q2: How did you subscribe to this series? Please choose one of the following:
1. I subscribed to all issues from the first issue.
2. I subscribed to all issues from a midway issue (from issue #__).
3. I purchased it if it was an issue with a feature or content that I liked.
4. other (please fill in freely).
Q3: How did you buy this series?
1. I subscribed to it at a bookstore
2. I looked for and purchased every issue at the same bookstore.
3. I looked for and purchased every issue at different bookstores.
4. I subscribed to it directly from your company.
Q4: How are you saving this magazine?
1. I save it by filing it in the binders.
2. I save it without filing it in the binders.
3. I don't save it.
4. I save only the parts that I want to save in the binders.
The Small Print
* Annual Income [1. less than ¥3 million, 2. ¥3 million to less than ¥5 million, 3. ¥5 million to less than ¥7 million, 4. ¥7 million to less than ¥10 million, 5. ¥10 million to less than ¥15 million, 6. more than ¥15 million yen, 7. unknown ]
[Privacy Legal Information]
* Please check [✓] the agreement to accept the content of the [concerning the handling of personal information].
1 Translator's note: if mailed in Japan
Address: please fill in even your postal code and building name. __2
〒 (the postal code symbol in Japan): __
Apartment/Apartment House name: __
__ Apartment number
Name: __2
Name in furigana: __3
1. male, 2. female
Age: (__) years
Tel: __
E-mail: __
2 Translator's notes: write in BLOCK LETTERS— (post office personal can only read those).
3 you don't have to fill it in as this is for the reading of names written in kanji.
Occupation [1. company employee, 2. company officer, 3. public servant, 4. operating own business, 5. self-employed (freelance), 6. homemaker, 7. student, 8. unemployed, 9. other (__)]
Marriage Status [1. married, 2. single] Children [1. yes, 2. no]
Annual Income (please choose from the choices on the left): __
How often do you go to a bookstore? [1. more than twice a week, 2. about once a week, 3. about 2 to 3 times a month, 4. less than once a month]
※ ☐ I agree to the contents of the "concerning the handling of personal information" agreement.
※ Our company might directly ask the readers for their opinion by telephone and mail. If you do not want to be contacted, please ✓ (check) the box.
☐ don't want to be contacted
Q6: Did you purchase the Macross Chronicle first edition version (sold from Jul. 2008 to Jun. 2010, issued by: Wave; sold by: Shogakukan Shueisha Productions; total 50 issues)?
1. I purchased all issues.
2. I purchased from #1 to #__.
3. I knew about it, but I didn't purchase it.
4. I didn't know about the first edition version
Q7: Please fill in freely if you have an opinion or thoughts on this publication:
Everyone, we truly thank you for the warm encouragement you bestowed on us so far. Please look for other Deagostini multi-issue encyclopedias hereafter.
Deagostini Japan
Weekly "Macross Chronicle" #80 Questionnaire
Please fill in the answers on the questionnaire
Please circle the applicable items or freely write your answer in the (__).
* translator's note: following is only the Japanese text on this side of the post card)
Q2 #2: (from issue #__)
Q2 #4: (specifically: __)
Q7: Your comments and impressions: __
Please refrain from placing product orders here.
Thank you for your cooperation.