Sketchley's Translations Main Index
By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 2.0 2021.04.02

#80: Questionnaire

• "Questionnaire #80." Macross Chronicle Revised Ed. 29 Jul, 2014: 37-38.




Please Cooperate With The Questionnaire The weekly "Macross Chronicle Revised Edition" has reached its last issue at this time. We are truly thankful that you subscribed to it up until now. We would also like to develop a product in the future that meets everyone's needs. Therefore, please answer and send back the following questionnaire so that we can use it as a reference for our product development hereafter. Mail-in Deadline: the last day of November, 2014
Q1: Please choose one number for each entry on your impressions toward this series:
1. This product was (1. satisfying, 2. ordinary, 3. not satisfying).
2. The number of issues in this series was (1. a little bit too lengthy, 2. just right, 3. OK to continue even further)
3. If we release a product from the same genre in the future, (1. I also want to purchase it, 2. I'll probably purchase it according to the product's content, 3. I won't purchase it).

Q2: How did you subscribe to this series? Please choose one of the following:
1. I subscribed to all issues from the first issue.
2. I subscribed to all issues from a midway issue (from issue #__).
3. I purchased it if it was an issue with a feature or content that I liked.
4. other (please fill in freely).

Q3: How did you buy this series?
1. I subscribed to it at a bookstore
2. I looked for and purchased every issue at the same bookstore.
3. I looked for and purchased every issue at different bookstores.
4. I subscribed to it directly from your company.

Q4: How are you saving this magazine?
1. I save it by filing it in the binders.
2. I save it without filing it in the binders.
3. I don't save it.
4. I save only the parts that I want to save in the binders.

The Small Print
* Annual Income [1. less than ¥3 million, 2. ¥3 million to less than ¥5 million, 3. ¥5 million to less than ¥7 million, 4. ¥7 million to less than ¥10 million, 5. ¥10 million to less than ¥15 million, 6. more than ¥15 million yen, 7. unknown ]

[Privacy Legal Information]

* Please check [✓] the agreement to accept the content of the [concerning the handling of personal information].

Post Card Front
Stamp Area:
Postage paid by receiver
Harumi Office Agreement 9156
Validity period: until Mar. 31, 2016
No postage required1

1 Translator's note: if mailed in Japan

Address Area:2
104 8782

Personal Information Area:
Address: please fill in even your postal code and building name. __2
〒 (the postal code symbol in Japan): __
Apartment/Apartment House name: __
__ Apartment number
Name: __2
Name in furigana: __3
1. male, 2. female
Age: (__) years
Tel: __
E-mail: __

2 Translator's notes: write in BLOCK LETTERS— (post office personal can only read those).
3 you don't have to fill it in as this is for the reading of names written in kanji.

Personal Details area:
Occupation [1. company employee, 2. company officer, 3. public servant, 4. operating own business, 5. self-employed (freelance), 6. homemaker, 7. student, 8. unemployed, 9. other (__)]
Marriage Status [1. married, 2. single] Children [1. yes, 2. no]
Annual Income (please choose from the choices on the left): __
How often do you go to a bookstore? [1. more than twice a week, 2. about once a week, 3. about 2 to 3 times a month, 4. less than once a month]

※ ☐ I agree to the contents of the "concerning the handling of personal information" agreement.
※ Our company might directly ask the readers for their opinion by telephone and mail. If you do not want to be contacted, please ✓ (check) the box.
☐ don't want to be contacted

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Q5: Did you purchase the separately sold binders? Or, are you planning to buy them in the future?
1. I bought them.
2. I'm planning to buy them.
3. I didn't buy them.
4. I don't understand.
5. I didn't know about the binders.
6. I wanted to purchase the binders, but they aren't in the bookstores.

Q6: Did you purchase the Macross Chronicle first edition version (sold from Jul. 2008 to Jun. 2010, issued by: Wave; sold by: Shogakukan Shueisha Productions; total 50 issues)?
1. I purchased all issues.
2. I purchased from #1 to #__.
3. I knew about it, but I didn't purchase it.
4. I didn't know about the first edition version

Q7: Please fill in freely if you have an opinion or thoughts on this publication:

Everyone, we truly thank you for the warm encouragement you bestowed on us so far. Please look for other Deagostini multi-issue encyclopedias hereafter.
Deagostini Japan

Post Card Reverse

Weekly "Macross Chronicle" #80 Questionnaire
Please fill in the answers on the questionnaire

Please circle the applicable items or freely write your answer in the (__).
* translator's note: following is only the Japanese text on this side of the post card)

Q2 #2: (from issue #__)
Q2 #4: (specifically: __)
Q7: Your comments and impressions: __

Please refrain from placing product orders here.
Thank you for your cooperation.


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© Aaron Sketchley