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By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 2.1 2019.03.24

Variable Fighter Master File VF-1 Valkyrie Wings Of Space
Ninomiya, Shigeyuki, et al. Variable Fighter Master File VF-1 Valkyrie Wings Of Space. Tokyo: Softbank Creative, 2010. Print.

Table of Contents

VF Photo Files

Pg 004-005

The Human Mindset That The VF-1 Brought About
By Isaku Okabe


Pg 006-007


Isaku Okabe (1954~)
scanlation: something about him being a reporter coincidentally on South Ataria Island when the SDF-1 Macross made its Space Fold, and becoming a citizen of Macross City. After working in MBS (Macross Broadcasting Station), he moved to Planet Eden).

Pg 008-009


7. Two of the fighters that compose SVF-18 were exhibited equipped with exoatmospheric FAST Packs for the spectators. During the preparations the previous day, instead of using machinery such as cranes, one could see the unusual spectacle of 4 Zentrādi lifting the Booster Pods in their arms and mounting them on the Valkyries.

Pg 010-013



F.A.S.T. Pack

Pg 014

F.A.S.T. Pack

Pg 015

■ FAST Packs were called by the development code name "Booby Duck" among the pilots in the initial operations. As they were often introduced as "Super Packs", and a FAST Pack equipped VF-1 as a "Super Valkyrie" in the media and so on, this name is presently also comparatively used even now on the job.

Development Process

Pg 016-017

■ VF-1 FAST Pack / Config ver. 2.0
Development: Stonewell Bellcom / Shinnakasu Heavy Industry
Length: 14.15 m
Height: 5.12 m
Back: NP-BP-01A OMS/RCS Pack, HMMMP-02 Micro-missile Pod
Legs: NP-FB-01B Conformal Tank
Arms: NP-AR-01B Conformal Tank / Micro-missile Pod
Tank Capacity: 1,410 L (inside the plane) + 5,020 L (FAST packs)

Operational Deployment

A completely functional development test craft that was completed in May, 2008. It carried out all sorts of tests over about 2 months. As it indicated a performance that satisfied the Unified Forces' requirements, the VF-1's mass production was approved.

* L-5:

Pg 018

System Outline

* Propellant and the Amount Carried within the craft
In outer space missions, the part of the fuselage structure that is used only for atmospheric flight is—as far as possible—put to use for extra propellant capacity to earn a greater cruising range. In addition to the sub-intakes above the main wings and wing gloves (including the internal tanks) becoming integral tanks, cassette-style propellant tanks are inserted into the air intakes at the front of the engine nacelles.

* The VF-1's ability to transition to orbit
The VF-1 was endowed with abilities as an all-regime fighter aircraft. Based on the specs, after takeoff from a ground base, it is able to launch to low Earth orbit from the atmosphere. However, as the VF-1 is also the first practical aircraft with a transformation mechanism, and due to problems such as its thrust-to-weight ratio, lift-drag ratio, and the low operating situation of the Fighter mode Energy Conversion Armour—which supplements the fuselage strength—there are virtually no examples where that capability was implemented aside from the test flights. Also, for argument's sake, even if it was carried out, the onboard propellant would be used up by the time the VF-1 reached orbit, and combat manoeuvres would be impossible.

Pg 019

Caution Markings

■ NP-BP-01A

■ NP-AR-01B

■ NP-AR-01C

■ NP-FB-01B

Caption: Fire Panel

Caption: Hoist Point:


Pg 20

■ Config ver. 1.0

■ Config ver. 2.0

Standard System Configuration
■ NP-FB-01 and NP-AR-01 Conformal Tanks

The first type of FAST pack developed where attached to the lower part of the arms and the engine nacelles. Type A (NP-FB-01A) and type B (NP-FB-01B) exist. It is possible to install the type A without lowering the engine nacelle down. The engine nacelle and arm packs are loaded with 3,960 L of propellant, and they increase the FF-2001 thermonuclear engine's running time by 4. In space, propellant is used a lot faster, and they have a maximum combat operating time of 1,500 seconds in a combat zone.


* LHP-04 Low-thrust Vernier Thruster
Small thrusters with a "Θ" shape that are installed in various places on the VF-1's fuselage. They are used to assist in attitude control. In addition to the units themselves rotating, they are able to precisely vector the thrust by raising a guide vane.

* Integral Tank
Fuel tanks that use the internal space of the structure (mainly the aircraft's body and wings)—which is composed of spars and stringers (the framework)—by tightly shutting the sections themselves.

* HMM-01 Micro-missile
Short range missiles developed for VF-1 related equipment. The propulsion method they use is a solid rocket motor and liquid bi-propellant attitude control thrusters. They are loading into such things as the Armoured Pack's missile pallets.

Pg 021

■ Config ver. 3.0 (with Mauler RO-2A)

■ Config ver. 4.0 (for VF-1P)

■ NP-BP-01 OMS/RCS Pod

The NP-BP-01 series is the unit installed on the back of the VF-1. The rear nozzle has a form that gives one the impression that it is truly used outside of the atmosphere. It has two functions: changing orbits, and posture control. The rear nozzle is an OMS (Orbital Manoeuvring System) Engine, and is a gas-hybrid engine with solid fuel. One engine produces 10,950 kg of thrust, and it performs changes and corrections to one's orbit. By using this engine and the main nozzles of the FF-2001 engines—the main engines on the Valkyrie side—it's possible to gain the acceleration needed to transition to a geostationary orbit around the Earth.

The gas-hybrid engine that's installed in the NP-BP-01 is an engine that mixes and burns liquid oxygen in solid fuel that has been preheated and turned into a gas. It's different from a normal solid rocket engine as it has the merit of freely being able to change the amount of thrust, or cutting and restarting the thrust, by regulating the amount of liquid oxygen. The rocket's burning efficiency is also good. Solid fuel was adopted because it is easy to handle onboard a carrier. The fuel ingredients are unknown, however it uses a polymer that originates in OTM. The fuel is solid, nonetheless it has a viscosity like bread dough. It's said that the removal of residual fuel and the refuelling after returning [to the mothership] are easy.

The OMS engine nozzle is big for this class of engine nozzle, however this is because it conceals a power generation system—which uses heat conduction due to the remaining heat in the circumference of the nozzle—in addition to the liquid oxygen preheat pipes that are arranged inside the nozzle (as well as being covered by a faring). The electrical power acquired by the power generation system is temporarily stored in energy capacitors that are the same as the ones that are built into the VF-1, and that becomes the electrical power used in the gasification of the OMS engine's solid fuel; as well as the RCS thrusters that are mentioned later. Because of that, the FAST Packs don't have to consume the VF-1's power.

The three nozzles on the sides and the part that juts out from under the OMS nozzle are the RCS (Reaction Control System) nozzles, and they are used in the Valkyrie's posture control. The engine makes a mixture of liquid oxygen and MMH (monomethylhydrazine), and the gas is transformed into plasma using a laser—which is oscillated by electrical power from the energy capacitor—to raise the temperature even higher before being blown out of the nozzle. Identical engines are also built into the NP-FB-01 Conformal Tanks from the B type onwards, and when used at the same time as the NP-BP-01, there are a total of 16 posture control thrusters on a Super Valkyrie. The propellant uses MMH that is unchanged from long ago, because it has excellent storability and its handling is relatively easy.

■ HMMMP-02 Micro-missile Pod
20 HMM-03 Micro-missiles are loaded into 1 of the weapon pods that are installed in the front of the NP-BP-01 series FAST Packs. Even though the warhead of the HMM-01 was miniaturized as-is into the HMM-03, with improved explosives, it has preserved an equivalent explosive power as the HMM-01. Also, because aluminum has been mixed into the propellant as well as the attitude-control propellant, the burning temperature has increased. While that has improved the initial and maximum velocities, on the other hand, the combusted gas becomes white smoke, and it leaves a trail.

It's possible to fire 2, 4, or 8 missiles from one weapon pod at the same time, and each missile can pursue different targets by directions from the FCS or the pilot's manual designations. Normally, the FCS automatically sets target designations and pursuit directions when a number of missiles are simultaneously launched. The flight course can be altered in each missile, so it's possible to rush at the target from multiple directions and give as much damage as possible.

Pg 022

■ Additional Tanks for Exoatmospheric Mobilization
As one of the ways to load the VF-1 with as much propellant as possible, optional tanks are installed in the air intakes. Even though this tank made of soft resin is cheap and is easily switched, it cannot be replenished midway through mobilization.

Pg 023

■ This VF-1S—which appears to be in the midst of testing and is equipped with the Mauler Twin Beam Cannon Pack—is the SVF-1 Skulls commanding officer's Valkyrie. The pilot figure in the cockpit also seems to be (at that time) Captain Hikaru Ichijo, who departed for deep space together with the Megaroad-01 in Aug., 2012. The development commencement time for this pack is considered to be around the first half-year of 2012, and if that is true, than the one that the Captain tested is very likely to have been a prototype model close to a mock-up that cannot fire live rounds. In any case, it is a valuable photograph.

Mauler RÖ-2A Twin Beam Cannon Pack

■ Outline
The High-output Anti-ship Laser Beam Gun Pack that can be installed on the front of the NP-BP-01 series can make a hole in the first outer shell armour [layer] of a Buritai class Zentrādi battleship with a single shot. It was developed to subjugate rebelling Zentrādi ships. Incidentally, although it generally came to be known for appearing in the movie* that depicted the SDF-1 Macross's first sortie, that one was naturally for the production, as even a development project for it didn't exist at the time. The pack is equipped with a Dynamic Gas Laser that reuses the core of the FF-2001 Thermonuclear Turbine Engines that are built-into the VF-1, and because it is high powered there is no way to focus the beams so its effective shooting range is extremely short. Due to that, two VF-1 are normally attached as guards, and a lone craft or pair of Valkyries get as close as possible to the Zentrādi ship to make a close-range attack, and after punching a hole in the target's armour, the following VF-1 formations storm inside the warship. The loadable gas capacity for the laser is limited to 8 times, and after exhausting the shots, the Valkyrie has no choice but to distance itself from the battlefield. Also, because the RÖ-2A cannot be aimed precisely, it cannot also be used for anti-aircraft uses. For those reasons, the normal configuration is with one RÖ-2A unit mounted on the front of one of the pair of NP-BP-01 FAST Packs, and an HMMMP-02 Micro-missile Pod mounted on the other pack for self-defence.

When the RÖ-2A was being developed, they selected a chemical laser system because the laser beam that could be generated by the electrical power that could be provided from the VF-1—the carrying vehicle—wasn't sufficient. While performance improvements to the Thermonuclear Turbine Engines continue at present, a laser excited by the VF's electrical that can generate output at the same level hasn't been implemented, and research and development on it is continuing.

* The movie that depicted the first sortie of the Macross
"Macross: The Truth Of South Ataria Island" (original title: "MACROSS The Booby Trap", released in 2012). Even though it hasn't been stated, the new movie expected to be released in 2031 is considered to be a direct sequel to this movie.

Pg 024

■ VF-1 FAST Pack / Config ver. 3.0 (with Mauler RÖ-2A)
Development: Shinsei Industry
Length: 14.15 m
Height: 5.60 m
Back: NP-BP-01B OMS/RCS Pack, Mauler RÖ-2A Twin Beam Cannon Pack, HMMMP-02 Micro-missile Pod
Legs: NP-FB-01B Conformal Tank
Arms: NP-AR-01C Conformal Tank / Micro-missile Pod
Tank Capacity: 1,410 L (inside the plane) + 5,360 L (FAST packs)

Gravity Inertia Control System. The heavy quantum that is generated as a catalyst of the Fold Carbon (coil) is used in the core of a thermonuclear reaction engine. It also controls the plasma stream that is generated by the reaction at the same time as it contains and compresses the reactant in a local gravitational field.

Pg 025

■ System
The RÖ-2A is a fluoridated deuterium laser. The laser oscillations are from the excited state of fluoridated deuterium that was generated in a chemical reaction where deuterium molecules are mixed in a supersonic jet [of liquid] that burns a fluoric compound. The core of a FF-2001 engine is used as the combustion chamber as well as the resonator. It is considered to have dozens of MW of output due to the [electrical] excitation in the jet [of liquid] that is controlled by GIC*. Even though there is only one combustion chamber, there are twin muzzles because the beam is split in two after the combustion chamber by the pressure limits in the resonator.

As the usual lens or mirrors cannot be used to focus this class of laser output, the beam is squeezed through the muzzles, which simply have a heat-resistant coating. Consequently, there is a large degree of laser beam spread attenuation after exiting the muzzle, and the effective range where the laser beam can destroy the armour of a large Zentrādi warship is said to be merely several kilometres. The GIC that is being used in the core is extremely expensive, and even after firing the laser to exhaustion, to a large extent, it isn't permitted to have the Valkyrie fall into a situation where the weapon is dumped. Also, because the fluoridated deuterium generated from the laser oscillation is a deadly poison for the human body, it's necessary to thoroughly wash the exposed sections of the flight deck and so on of the carrier after the Valkyrie returns to base. The pilot can't even disembark from the Valkyrie nor enter inside the storage deck until that washing is completed.

■ Operations
They started being supplied from the second half of 2013, and 3-4 sets—including reserves—were deployed to each squadron. As described above, it is necessary to approach as close as possible to the target, and the pilots who excelled in the abilities of avoiding the inevitable enemy missiles and beams often boarded the Twin Beam Cannon equipped Valkyries. For that reason only skilled pilots operated it, and even though the misperception that it was equipment that was difficult to master spread, the reality was the opposite: the operation of the Twin Beam Cannon pack was extremely simple.

Pg 026-027

1. (...)
2. (...)
3. (...)
4. (...)

Pg 028

■ VF-1 FAST Pack / Config ver. 1.0
Development: Stonewell Bellcom / Shinnakasu Heavy Industry
Length: 14.23 m
Height: 3.74 m
Legs: NP-FB-01A Conformal Tank
Arms: NP-AR-01A Conformal Tank
Tank Capacity: 1,410 L (inside the plane) + 3,960 L (FAST packs)

■ Type A Conformal Tank
The Type A Conformal Tank set was developed in accordance to the initial design ideas. Even though the installation form isn't different from the B Type—with the tanks mounted on the sides of the engine nacelles and underside of the body (the exterior of the arms)—because there isn't the capacity for a unit on the top part of the engine nacelles, it is possible to fix the legs at completely the same position as in Fighter mode. As the conformal tanks have only a simple preheat and insulation system, in space, preheating the engines was necessary in order to put the propellant into a usable state. The system was not convenient. Only a small number were produced up to the beginning of 2009, and thereafter production moved onto the Type B. Even though about 10 sets were brought into the SDF-1 Macross for test use purposes, such things as the actual results of their use are unknown.

It was called "Booby Duck" among the designers because of the equipment's silhouette, and the development code for the B Type originates from this.

Pg 029

■ 5-Figure view of the VF-1 when the Conformal Tanks are Installed


Armored Valkyrie

Pg 030

Armoured Valkyrie
scanlation: Armoured Pack (...)
As of 2030, recently they can be spotted from Apollo Base on the Moon's surface.

* The Developer's [Data] Materials

Pg 031

■ The No.1 experimental GBP-01S craft in the midst of an in-house test at Shinnakasu Heavy Industry in Japan. Externally it is made up like the test of a new experimental Destroid, and so as to not distinguish the shape easily from a distance, it seems to have been painted in a dark blue. In addition, the armaments that it's been furnished with are all dummies.

Pg 032

Operational Details

1, 2. (...)
3. (...)
4. (...)

Pg 033

Hypothesized Operations

* Reactive Armour

Pg 034

► (...)

The Systems of the GBP-1S

* The Too Expensive VF
Even if one compares the Valkyrie to the Tomahawk model of the Destroids at the time of the VF-1's development, its delivery price difference was said to be from 10 to 20 times more.

* Assault Tactics that Require the Use of Reaction Weapons

* The Deployment of the Armour Pack

Pg 035

scanlation: (...) the VF-1A can only operate the armour pack for 12 minutes, the FCS of the VF-1J is designed for using the GBP-1S
Armour Pack has 2 sets of AESA radar for use in space. 1 pointed upwards and 1 downwards.

Pg 036

The details of All Units in the GBP-1S
scanlation: (...) in the tips of the back boosters are radar array units. Their functions are the same as the radar in the VF-1's nose but detect in all directions. Also, the radar pods can be exchanged for the Mauler RÖ-2A, or HMMMP-02 Micro-missile launcher units from the FAST packs.
(...) There are 5 shots in each chest launcher, for a total of 10 GH-32 Grenade Crushers. (...) Each shoulder launcher has 11 shots in 3 rows, for a total of 22 GH-32. (...) Each arm has a 3 shot, 3 row GA-100 High-speed armour piercing crusher launcher. (...) The front of the waist is were the main capacitor is located. There were 2 kinds loaded on the SDF-1, 1 type used the VF-1's nose radar as is, the other type had an additional small radar. (...) The legs had 2 4-shot GH-32 launchers on the outer side, and 2 2-shot launchers on the backs. (...) The armour pack has an energy conversion armour system that has a high defensive ability. During emergency use, it has the strength to allow the unit to return to the mothership.

■ With the missiles stored in the armour parts, it was possible to load several varieties of missiles at the same time in each of the pallets due to interchangeable equipment according to the operation. In actuality, several choices existed in addition to missiles, like the GH-32 Grenade Crusher that the experimental GBP-1S made use of.

* LHP-03L Low Thrust Vernier Thruster

Pg 037

■ GBP/PWS-01S (shoulder)
In addition to the standard GH-32 Grenade Crusher [launcher] built into the shoulders, cluster-missile [launchers]* and so on seem to have been researched. It is also possible to install propellant tanks for the thrusters instead of the armament pallets, designed to extend things like the cruising range and mobilization time.

* Translator's note: 32 cluster-missiles per shoulder launcher are pictured.

■ GBP/PWS-01T (thigh)
With the units that protects the air intakes, the upper part has a structure that opens slightly when in the atmosphere, in order to lead air into the engine. When in space orbit, the low-thrust manoeuvrability vernier thrusters in the front are used to assist in position changes of the craft. A rack for Rammington H-22T Hand Grenades is installed in the side part.

■ GBP/PWS-01C (chest)
Though a limited Energy Conversion Armour is used in the chest, it can be thought that the Energy Conversion Armour applies from the front armour to the abdomen (the front of the cockpit). The pallet contained within the front armour can be exchanged for a unit with an entirely different use.

■ GBP/PWS-01L (leg)
GH-32 Grenade Crusher launchers* are installed on the sides and rear of the PWS-01L. The missiles that are fixed with a latch can be released one at a time. The slit on the side of the missile is a thruster, and after the missile launches, the thrusters are used to change the missiles vector as it pursues the target.

* Translator's note: the missile rack on the rear (2-shot) launchers is also pictures with a 3-shot launcher cartridge. The 3-shot missiles are a smaller size than the ones in the 2-shot launcher.

scanlation: (...) there were 10 GBP-1S loaded on the SDF-1. (...)

Pg 038

■ VF-1A of SVF-50 Spirits of the Sword conducting GBP-1S evaluation tests over the surface of the moon. They were photographed around
Dec., 2009. The ARMD-6 Constellation was used as a base in all sorts of tests.

scanlation: (...) GBP-1S/C (...) GBP-2S (...) SDP-1 Stampede pack (option) (...)

* Operation Bullseye
Explained in detail in this book's "Operation Bullseye" section.

* The Airframes based on the J type

* Supply Bases In The Combat Sector [of Space]

Pg 039

Operations that Put The GBP-1S Into Combat
scanlation: (...) the First Interstellar War (...) Zentrādi Bodoru Main Fleet 67th branch Gurimaru class Buritai fleet enemy recon pod (...) etc.
(...) the SDF-1 had 10 spare armour packs. After the end of First Interstellar War, there were 80 sets of GBP-2S. After the anti-Bodoru war, there was only 1 set in the original configuration. (...)


Operation Bullseye

Pg 040

Operation Bullseye

Solitary Pilots
scanlation: (...) takes place during SDF-1's long return to Earth in Oct., 2009, in the oribt of Mars. 6 of the 10 Armoured Valkyries on the SDF-1 participated in the operation against the Buritai Fleet. 2 craft served as recon, and there were QF-3000E Ghosts in 2 unit formations. (...)

A Desperate Unit

■ 2 Valkyries of the SDF-1 Macross's VF-1 Flying Corps SVF-13 Prancers that participated in Operation Bullseye. The warheads that they are equipped with on the arm hard points appears to be RMS-1 Anti-Ship Reaction Missiles. Due to the heat ray discharge from the explosion of the reaction warhead, the surface of the armour parts are coated with a special white coating.

Pg 041


* Macross Broadcasting System Television

* Operation Bullseye

* Skull Squadron

Pg 042

The Situation Immediately Before Macross's Return to Earth

Operation Bullseye

* The Transitioning Position of the Macross

* Infighting Zone

* The Action Limits of the VF-1
Cited as an example where the VF-1 where deployed the furthest distance from the SDF-1—their mothership—is the surprise attack operation that took place in Saturn's Cassini sector in Apr., 2009. At that time, after the VF-1 gained an initial velocity from the catapult launch, they used Saturn's gravity and attempted to get acceleration to approach the enemy fleet. It was an operation premised on the Valkyries being recovered by the mothership after the end of the operation, and it's expected that the operation's degree of danger was considerably high. For that reason, on the night before the sortie, all Valkyrie squadron members were permitted a short leave, and they were reluctant to part with their relatives.

* The Failure of the Main Gun

* VF-1 Flight Corps of CVS-101 Prometheus

Pg 043


SVF-37 Warrant Officer Carl Reger's 710th craft, attached to the SDF-1, participated in Operation Bullseye. The photograph was taken when the 710th craft undertook a watch in the outskirts of the SDF-1 Macross when it was in orbit after returning to Earth.

Caption: SVF-22 Warrant Officer Linus Philander's 408th craft, also attached to the SDF-1, had participated in Operation Bullseye. Its firearm control was entrusted to the 710th craft that accompanied it. It fought against the enemy Battle Pod group, and was seriously damaged. It didn't return from the mission. It is possible to fire the GU-11A Gun Pod mounted on the arm's GBP/PWS-01A exterior hard points, without being operated in the VF-1's manipulator.

Pg 044

To the Enemy Defence Net

* VF-1JA

* VE-1 ELINT Seeker
An EWACS (Early Warning Arborne Command and Control [System]) model whose production started from Block 6. It is provided with equipment that corresponds to FAST Packs and has a radar system control computer that is genuinely adapted to outer space use.

* Tactical Thermonuclear Reaction Warheads

* Macross Broadcasting Station's Report Program

Pg 045

Hard Darts

* Boris Gulikovsky (1984~)

* Hidefumi Takita (1991~)

* Karl Reger (1975~)

* Linus Philander (1987~2009


Armored Valkyrie: Color Variation

Pg 046

Armoured Valkyrie: Colour Variations

■ Hawai'i Base No.2 Training Practice Squadron SVF-59
VF-1A #111 / Mar., 2009

■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-1 Skulls / Vermilion Flight
VF-1J #023 2nd Lieutenant Ichijo Hikaru's craft / Oct., 2009

■ Unified Forces Command Headquarters Test Evaluation Squadron SVF-50 Spirits of the Sword
VF-1J (Block 8 ) #02 Captain Motoharu Kisugi's craft / Jan., 2010

Pg 047

■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-37
VF-1JA #710 Warrant Officer Karl Reger's craft / Oct., 2009

■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-22
VF-1A #408 Warrant Offiver Linus Philander's craft / Oct., 2009

■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-13 Plungers
VF-1J #105 2nd Lieutenant Boris Gulikovsky's craft / Oct., 2009


Theory of Space Combat

Pg 048

Theory of Space Combat

The Basis of Combat Outside the Atmosphere

Anti Neumann-type Generalize[d] Integrated Renormalization Aided System. ANIGRAS. A central control system that controls all systems in an integrated way in the VF series—which exceed the concept of normal fighter aircraft.

* The Earth Transiting Shuttle
The space shuttle: the former American aviation space agency (NASA) space transport vehicle that was operated in the 1980's to 1990's. Also, as it was the time that humanity had just acquired a handhold to advance into space, the shuttle was used for such things as orbital experiments, transporting construction materials for the orbital space station, and transporting and releasing satellites. All launch plans were frozen at the same times as the Unification War set in.

* Speed at Defold
Usually, vessels that cruise super long distances reset their speed vector during a Space Fold (this is also one of the abilities of the Space Fold mechanism). The reset is due to the relative velocity of the star and planets in another star system being an astronomical numerical value, and an approach or avoidance acceleration by the normal cruise mechanism would take a huge amount of time (in the worst case, the vessel wouldnft make it in time, and crash). Because the Space Fold mechanism was annihilated* when the SDF-1 Macross arrived at Pluto's orbit, one could think that the ship's velocity vector cancellation process wasn't performed successfully.

* Translator's note: physics definition. "Vanish" is an alternative translation.

Pg 049

1 Satellite-orbit Combat

2 Planet-orbit Combat

3 Interstellar-orbit Combat


circuit course in satellite orbit (unspecified)
direction of gravity
mother ship course (unspecified)
direction of the combined effect of accelerating force and centrifugal force (or inertia from the mothership)

Caption: (...)


The Manual

Pg 050

VF-1 Manual

Document Outline and Importance

* Disclosure

Pg 051

Translator's note: "JOFTOPS Flight Manual for U.N.S MODELS VARIAVLE FIGHTER VF-1A, B and J Block 4, Vol. 1" is already in good enough Engrish. No need to 'translate'. (^_-)-☆

Pg 052

What Can Be Read From The Cover
scanlation: (...) in 2010, there were the A, D, J, S, and G subtypes. (...) the "British" B type was planned for the start of the Block 4 production, but didn't happen. The B type wasn't revived in Block 5, with production instead remaining with the A type.

* Subtypes of the VF-1
In this case, it was at the point in time of the First Interstellar War's conclusion in 2010, and it points out that the existence of the VF-1 has been made public. At present, the N, X, and P models have been added to those subtypes.

* DV3
The British temporary name for the Battroid.

* The Block 5 Airframes Produced By the Deviland Co.
The Deviland Co. was a British airplane manufacturer who produced (Block 5) aircraft that were known as the VF-1A FRS.1. Those Valkyries were equipped with proprietarily tuned Thermonuclear Turbine Engines. However, those engines didn't exhibit the expected performance, and their production was limited to a small number.

Pg 053

Yellow Sheet

* Bailout

* F-111 Series

* Burst Mode
The mode where a previously designated number of bullets are fired consecutively with a single firing command (trigger movement).

Pg 054

LWS (Existing Armament Systems)

Pg 055


* MMD Multiple Monitoring Unit.

Pg 056

■ (...)

Pg 057

■ (...)

Pg 058

The Equipment Relevant to "Mode B"

■ (...)

* The Control Grip for "Mode B"
scanlation: (...) "Mode B" is Battroid, and "Mode G" is GERWALK (...)

Pg 059

Side Console

Check Sheet

At The End

■ Side Console


VT-1 Ostrich / VE-1 ELINT Seeker

Pgs 060-061

■ The VE-1 and VT-1 (Blocks 10 and 13) that were produced in the First Interstellar War both had wiring for use as electronic warfare craft. They could be adapted to multiple uses by changing the equipment that the rear seat personnel operated, depending on the operation.

VT-1 Ostrich / VE-1 ELINT Seeker
The VT-1 Ostrich and VE-1 ELINT Seeker are two-seater specification types of the VF-1 series. The VT-1 is the model conversion training plane that brought up the initial VF-1 drivers, and the VE-1, represented by the rotodome unit, became the "eyes" of such things as fleets and bases as an airborne warning and control system craft because of its enhanced enemy search abilities.

Though the two-seater type originally was a D type that was used as a model-conversion trainer in the initial period of the VF-1's deployment, even if it had the same two-seater type nose block, a number of improvements are seen in the crew survivability (the survivability) in space in the VT-1 and VE-1. Specifically, the cockpit specifications have changed to 3MCCS-2, which should have been able to enhance the capacity of such things as the emergency power supply and oxygen tank by about 15%. The first generation VT-1 and VE-1 that were produced in the Block 6 order are the first VF-1 to have adopted this new cockpit specification.

1. In the later half of the 2020's, the two-seater type VE-1 is not only the original airborne early warning craft, but the breadth of its all-purposefulness is shown again in it being assigned to such roles as attack craft, reconnaissance craft, and forward control craft. Pictured is the Attack Squadron SVC-133 Star Hunters attached to planet Eden's New Edwards Base.

2. Even though the forward control craft is assumed to be conducting itself in a dominant position that is difficult to be attacked directly, the forward control craft carries armaments for self-defence, such as micro-missile pods.

3 & 4. Not just the VE-1, but also VT-1 based airframes are included in the SVC-133. They have tails that have been exchanged for normal sized ones when they changed deployment, and the ability to tell the airframes apart isn't connected to their external appearance, as each model's special equipment has been removed. The airframes have also received remodelling as attack craft, and such things as the head turret, main wings and tails have been exchanged for A model equipment (corresponding to Block 12).

Pg 062

■ VT-1 Ostrich
The VT-1 is an airframe that was born by a specification decision that assumed that it would be deployed as a two-seater training craft so that the number of pilots in the VF-1 force whose deployment was proceeding would increase. Concerning the sections other than the nose block, the airframe and basic design are hardly changed, and correspond to the VF-1 Blocks 7 and 8, which are referred to as the middle period model. However, because the position where the center of the body divides has been changed due to the balance of the extended nose block, the layout of the internal equipment follows that of the Block 4 D model. The head unit's design was simplified as the laser gun, whose production had at last began to get on the right track, was put to use in the VF-1A. Besides the addition of sensors in the wing-tips, the vertical stabilizers were also changed. Related to the vertical stabilizers, the storage of the tail block had a stop-gap treatment due to the changes to the dorsal shape (this was also due to the effect of the extension of the nose block). Though naturally it generated an effect on the manoeuvrability of the VT-1 when operated within the atmosphere, because the VT-1's priority for use in combat was low, the effect was definitely disregarded. In the cases after the first Interstellar War where surplus VT-1's were put to use in such roles as attack craft and control instruction craft, there are a lot of examples of the vertical stabilizers having been exchanged for standard sized ones. Even though the VT-1 is a design that was modified for space operation, naturally it cannot be concluded to be exclusively for space, and it was able to fly in an atmosphere without trouble.

The FAST packs prepared for the VT-1 are a combination of 3 kinds: NP-BP-T1 (dorsal), NP-FB-T1 (leg), and NP-AU-T1 (arm). The precedent of the VF-1 is followed. Even though in things like the media, a FAST Pack equipped VT-1 is called a "Super Ostrich", it is not a formal name of the craft. As the VT-1 doesn't need to be armed, each pack cannot be equipped with such things as missile palettes, and one could consider them to be almost completely for propellant. Though the NP-BP-T1 has a design which could be multipurpose due to the exchangeable front of the pod, usually a small sensor pod that maintains the field of vision from the cockpit and an energy capacitor unit are often installed.

Even though the 3 vernier thrusters that are on the front of the leg conformal tanks are not in the VF-1's FAST pack equipment, when used as a training craft these additional thrusters are configured to not be operated by the controlling ANGIRAS from the operation of the front-seat trainee. The vernier thrusters react only when judged by the rear-seat instructor as urgent, and are controlled by the rear-seat control system. Of course, complete control from the front seat is also available according to the configuration. From the 2010's, when the VF-1 began to surrender the regular unit seat to newer models, in addition to some of the latter period production models being used as electronic warfare craft that have equipment identical to the VE-1, the VT-1 was put to use in such roles as a control instruction craft. In recent years, due to the spread of highly-accurate simulators, one could say that the VT-1 almost finished the role as training craft in model-conversion, as even trainees often have to handle a single-seat airframe from the start. In addition to some of the airframes being in active service as a forward air control craft, some were disposed of to civilians with ability limited-editions in such things as avionics. These were designated VT-1C (= Customer).

Pg 063

■ VE-1 ELINT Seeker
The VE-1 ELINT Seeker was developed as an early-warning control (AWACS) craft, and is an airframe that was the direct successor of the VF-1G?12 of which were produced before the great war. The G model is an airframe that belongs to Block 4, which is hypothesized to be operated in the atmosphere. Finally, a full-blown space warning and control craft was accomplished with the VE-1.

The main enemy search unit is the rotodome which is installed in the dorsal NR-BP-E3 Booster Packs, and has an APS-201 radar built into it. In addition, various antennas such as HF, VHF, and VLF are built into the NR-SR-E3 (right arm) and NR-SL-E3 (left arm), and are used for communication with high-ranking operations centres such as mother-ships. Furthermore, the NR-FS-E3 Conformal Tanks that are mounted on the legs have side-looking radar units.

Though the design of the airframe itself follows that of VT-1 Ostrich, before the great war, the airframe that had the wiring system necessary to drive the enemy search electronics was limited only to the VE-1. After the war, the production line is assumed to be roughly in-common, because the production number of both craft by themselves is small, so they were produced by specifications that both can operate as an electronic warfare craft. The VE-1 can operate equipment for various enemy search operations, and its exterior differs depending on the period and the operation. In 2012, in addition to fleet conforming early-warning missions, and besides being used for such things as reconnaissance electronic warfare, the VE-1 was also used for such things as the central control craft of the Ghost series unmanned fighters.

Because a direct combat strength is hardly needed in the roles the VE-1 is assigned to, it is known to have been kept in use without model updates to newly produced craft. Because there are a lot of skilled rear-seat operators, the VE-1 was found to be more useful than newly produced craft combined with newcomers in reconnaissance missions; and there are a lot of carriers with a force that mixes 1 or 2 VE-1 into a surveillance squadron composed of VF-4. Because demand for a modernization improvement were submitted by units that possessed prewar airframes, an update that corresponds to the P model, based on the "Sleipnir Plan", was applied to a total of 12 craft. It is said that about half of the VE-1 in active service now include this update.

1 & 2. The VE-1 ELINT Seeker isn't also merely an EWACS craft due to such things as its avionics and program modifications. It has enhanced abilities as an electronic warfare and control craft. It is still in active service as of 2030.

3. One of the reconnaissance devices that was deployed after the great war. Intelligence gathering is carried out with composite detection equipment, such as the internal sensors and cameras installed in the lower part of the nose radome.

4. At present, the VE-1 is used as a forward control craft. Because the forward control craft observes while separated from the progress of the battle (however at a closer position than the mothership), the VE-1 is a craft that plays the role of sending pertinent instructions to friendly craft in its area. A special qualified person (a forward air controller) who can carry out such things as target designation, command control, and judge the effectiveness of attacks, boards the VE-1 in the rear seat.


"VF" The Variable Fighter

Pg 064

"VF" The Variable Fighter
The VF As A Variable Fighter


■ (...)

Pg 065

VF Development Outline

Deciding On The VF's Specifications

■ Rigādo
A single-seater Battle Pod of the Zentrādi Forces. It has two legs on a gigantic spherical torso which you might say is for the most part a cockpit. While ground walking is possible, the legs aren't efficient, and they are mainly used for space combat. The Rigādo's armour level and comfortability are low.

Pg 066


Outline Of The Battroid Mode

* The Possibility Of Such Things As The Reorganization And Unification Of Military Organizations After The Unification War

* Information Disclosure Restrictions To Civilians

Pg 067


* Battroid Hand-to-hand Combat Abilities

* The Prisoner Rescue Operation In The Midst Of The SDF-1's Return Voyage

* The Know-how To Use A Battroid In Dogfights

■ (...)

Pg 068

■ (...)

Pg 069

Battroid Mode Tactics

* Overshoot

* The High-Manoeuvrability Type Quadoran Series

* Motion and Potential Energy

Pg 070

1. (...)

2., 3. (...)

Pg 071

Outline of The GERWALK Mode

* The Existence Of The VF-0

■ (...)

Pgs 072-073

GERWALK Mode Tactics

The Valuation of the VF-1

1. (...)

2. (...)

3. (...)


Transformation System

Pg 074

The VF-1's Transformation System

The Transformation System

Operational Limits

Pg 075

Transformation Mechanism Details

■ The Nose and Central Body

■ (...)

Caption: fulcrum

■ (...)

* MHD Generator
Magnetohydrodynamic Power Generation. (...)

* Sortie

* Fly-by-Light

■ A VF-1J guarding the Departure Ceremony of an Emigrant Fleet. The background is a newly commissioned ARMD Class carrier. Among the variations of the VF-1, the J and S models—whose production number is low—are often traditionally used as the squadron leader's craft, and are also popular airframes amongst aviation fans.

Pg 076

___ The Cockpit During The Transformation To Battroid Mode

_1_ (...)

_2_ (...)

_3_ (...)

_4_ (...)

_5_ (...)

_6_ (...)

___ Battroid Mode Pilot Escape And Embarking/Disembarking System



Pg 077

■ (...)

■ The Tail Block and Vertical Stabilizers
scanlation: (...) reduce speed to 85 km/h (...)

■ (...)

Pg 078

■ (...)

■ (...)

Caption: fulcrum

■ (...)

Caption: fulcrum

■ (...)

■ (...)

Pg 079

■ (...)

■ Air Intakes And Engine Nacelles

■ Arms




■ (...)


Project Christie

Pgs 080-081

Project Christie

* The East-West Cold War

* J. W. Christie
John Walter Christie (1865~1944). (...)

* A Mid-GERWALK Test Establishment Theory

* The Engineers Affected By Project Christie
One theory names VF-1 design head Chris J. Takatoku as also having been a central figure in Project Christie.

1. (...)
2. (...)


Long Voyage

Pg 082

Long Voyage

The Return of the Valkyrie

Pg 083

A VF-1 was recovered from the Moon's orbit in 2025. Even though it was a preserved prototype of the VF-1, there was intense damage and all of its functions had stopped. When it was first discovered, it appeared to be an airframe that had been launched and abandoned in the First Interstellar War. It was cautiously collected as there was also a possibility that it was booby trapped by the Zentrādi, and was transported to the Moon's Apollo Base for examination. Its astonishing truth was confirmed during that examination. The fuselage is an A model from Block 2, and is the number 3 VF that had its roll-out in December, 2008. This number 3 craft, along with the number 2 craft, had carried out tests of equipment for use outside the atmosphere at the L-5 Lab Station. Even though its circumstances were unknown in the confusion after the First Interstellar War, after the equipment testing, the Valkyrie was confirmed to have been used for a certain test according to records that remain in fragments in the abandoned Lab Station and the Apollo Base. That test was one of an unmanned cruise to Saturn in order to test the VF-1's and the FF-2001 thermonuclear turbine engine's durability, and the confirmation of ANIGRAS's autonomous actions in extreme circumstances.

Pg 084

: Saturn Orbit
: Jupiter Orbit
: Earth Orbit

Dates: May, 2009; January, 2011; August, 2017

Pg 085

Project Trapeze
This endurance test was named "trapeze", and preparations were carried out over 2 months from March, 2009 at the L-5 Lab Station. The project name Trapeze was used as it includes the wish that the VF-1 will return without fail. The number 3 craft was selected as the test craft, and remodelling started from the engines. In addition, the engines were remodelled to consumption-reduced models that only generate a minimum of plasma for the sake of the system maintenance of the reactors, as well as in the midst of inertial flight, in a specification where the propellant is hydrogen gas with good propulsive efficiency. By this remodelling, the engines came to be able to put out a maximum thrust of up to 37,500 kg. Moreover, such things as the material properties of the parts of the engines themselves were looked at again, and not only the accompanying materials in the nozzle were made to resist the higher temperature exhaust, but also the refrigeration system was also completely changed.

Even though the FF-2001 was originally an engine with high durability, this test—even at its shortest—would take 10 years. Remodelling of the engines was done deliberately and carefully, as their ability to endure so much continuous operation was unknown. Of course the fuselage was operated unmanned. The canopy was left transparent and various recording equipment and 12 kinds of optical sensors were loaded into the cockpit. In addition, the canopy shield was retained in order to temporarily defend the canopy from such things as debris and micro-rocks that float in space. A huge amount of reactant and propellant was prepared for consumption as the cruising period lasted 10 years, and a gigantic tank was installed on the VF-1. The external fuel tank of the NR-707, the greatest class of terrestrial trafficking shuttle at that time, was remodelled and loaded with 2,457,000 L of liquid hydrogen and 2,898,000 L of reactant.

■ Schematic diagram of the propellant tank that was installed on the fuselage of the VF-1 number 3 craft "Amanda", that had been prepared for the Saturn round-trip test. Attitude control boosters and thrusters were added to the real thing itself.

Cruise Plan
In the schedule that the project team had planned, the VF-1 left L-5 accelerated to 19.5 km/s in May, 2009, transited Jupiter at very-close range in January, 2011, accelerated all-the more to 45.7 km/s due to Jupiter's gravity and the engines operating at full power, and reached Saturn's orbit in August, 2017. It decelerated going around Saturn's neighbourhood, and after surveying the area, the VF-1 entered a return orbit to Earth, and the return to Earth took about 5 years.

On May 23, 2009, the VF-1 number 3 craft left the L-5 Lab Station as planned. The number 3 craft, which had been named "Amanda" after the team leader's wife, succeeded in the initial acceleration. Even though it continued to fly well, at the beginning of 2010, because the L-5 Lab Station had been destroyed in a Zentrādi attack before the Bodoru Flagship Fleet Earth attack, it became impossible to track the VF-1 number 3 craft. In addition, everybody also completely forgot about the project because of the postwar confusion, not to mention that thereafter not only the news of "Amanda" but even the people who knew of its existence had disappeared [in the Zentrādi Earth attack].

The recording equipment of "Amanda", which was discovered in 2025, was unfortunately destroyed. Even though only fragmentary contents of the records were able to be distinguished, the image of Saturn was seen in several images, and at the very least, it confirmed that the VF-1 number 3 craft had reached Saturn, its destination point. Also, there are images that captured the countless numbers of groups of luminous points that are thought to be the Bodoru Flagship Fleet, and even though at first it had been guessed that "Amanda" had weathered a Zentrādi attack, by investigation, it was clear that the cause of the VF-1's damage was not such things as beam guns and missiles. At present, it is thought that the damage is the result of contact with a micro-meteorite group in the asteroid belt. Although they are minute, the amount of damage to "Amanda" was tremendous, and it is thought that its likely that a large slip in the orbit occurred at that point. Nevertheless, it is a wonder that the VF-1 somehow struggled on to the vicinity of Earth, and one cannot help but feel admiration for the excellence of the renewed VF-1 and ANGIRAS.

"Amanda" has presently been repaired to the same appearance it had at the time it departed from L-5, and its wings rest next to the VF-1 number 2 craft that it performed tests with, in exhibition facilities in the Apollo Moon Base on the surface of the Moon.

The woman who was the origin of the name "Amanda" survives, and at the time that "Amanda" was repaired, she offered photographs that she had been keeping which were taken immediately before "Amanda"'s departure. In addition, from those pictures it turns out that nose-art was drawn imitating her on the nose of the number 1 craft, and this has also been restored as accurately as possible before the exhibition.



Pg 086

The VF-1 Modernization Improvement

On the very day of the February 2009 SDF-1's Space-Launch Ceremony, the VF-1 finally faced its own potential enemy: extraterrestrial life (the Zentrādi Forces). Opposing the Zentrādi—who attacked with overwhelming amounts of resources in the battles during the Macross's Earth-return voyage—the VF-1 surprisingly fought a good fight and proved its usefulness as a weapon. However, there were situations where the airframe couldn't systematically oppose the tactics of the Zentrādi Forces, and there were great losses. In March 2010, the Unified Space Forces analyzed the Zentrādi Forces' tactics from such things as various data and records that the Macross carried home, and the "Sleipnir Program" was put into the operation. The program updated the VF-1 so that it could oppose the Zentrādi tactics.

■ The difference between the VF-1P's and the VF-1's outward appearances can be easily distinguished from such things as 1) a change in the canopy shape (the crown is slightly higher and its comfortability has been improved), 2) a change in the dorsal shape (it bulges due to the installation of thermonuclear reaction batteries), 3) additional warning sensors in the tail end of the tail block, and 4) a change in the nozzle shape (the tiptoe is tapered to a point, attaining a stealthy trim). The exterior of the fuselage has also been changed so that the panel lines could be turned into ones with stealthy trim lines.

Pg 087

The Sleipnir Program
Even though the "Sleipnir Program" that started in 2010 primarily advanced the enhancement of the VF-1's operational ability outside of the atmosphere—in addition to being oriented toward improving the VF-1's survival rate—the program was suddenly ended. It is because the entire surface of the Earth had been annihilated by the Bodoru Main Fleet's attack at the end of the First Interstellar War. The once terminated "Sleipnir Program" was reactivated 8 years later in 2018, at the same time that it was decided to stop the VF-4's production in 2022, 4 years from then.

Although the VF-4 was expected to be the direct successor to the VF-1, it had irregular manoeuvrability in the atmosphere. Moreover, its operational rate was lower because of such things as its transformation mechanism not really working. Even though the manufacturer was steadily continuing work on fixes to solve these technical problems, the VF-4's production didn't advance at all due to that, and its deployment plan to the force was much-delayed. Production started from 2012, and about 6,000 VF-4 were delivered by 2018. However, at this point, the production suspension of the VF-4 had been decided.

Pg 088

■ VF-1X
Development: Shinsei Industry
Model: VF-1X
Empty Weight: 14,100 kg (estimated)
Main Propulsion Engine: Shinnakasu/P&W/Royce FF-2021 thermonuclear turbine engine x2
Auxiliary Propulsion Engine: liquid rocket booster x3
Thrust: 13,200 kg (main engine), 8,520 kg (auxiliary engine)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.81 (at 10,000 m), Mach 3.89 (at or above 30,000 m)
Crew: 1
Standard Armament: Mauler RÖV-20 11 mm Anti-Air Laser Machine-gun x1, Howard GU-11D 55 mm 3-barrel Gatling Gun Pod
External Armament: AMM-1 Anti-air Anti-ground Missile, RMS-1F Large Anti-ship Reaction Warhead, others

Fighter Form
Length: 14.23 m
Width: 14.30 m (wings fully extended), 8.20 m (wings swept back)
Height: 3.74 m

Such things as the budget and deployment plan are sure to have been revised in the direction of a production increase if the VF-4 had accomplished a performance as the perfect successor to the VF-1; which it had been expected to do. These days, even with the VF-4's actual level of operational, it and the existing VF-1, appear to have shared roles. The merits of both fighters compensate for their mutual weak points, with the two performing separate roles. The VF-4 establishes such things as invasion and defensive lines at medium or greater ranges in outer space, and the VF-1 is used for such things as the fleet's close-support combat force and atmospheric patrol. By doing so, the present VF force's operating ratio has been increased. Even though it is necessary to narrow the number of fighter craft down to 1 model, if you consider the efficiency of such things as maintenance and parts supply, having 2 different fighters means that they are not limited in cases where all of the craft that compose the force fall into a suspension of sorties when such things as defects in some sort of design are exposed. Related to the safety restrictions that were set on such security, even though the conventional wisdom in operating the craft had greatly changed before and after the great war, the possibility of a suspension of sorties due to defects was not zero. Also, including such things as the newly developed models from the emergent General Galaxy, if the municipal circumstances allowed for the option of operating several models, the resulting margin for error was convenient for the autonomous governments of Emigrant Planets which were born from that time.

In such a situation, the remaining 2,000 VF-4 in the procurement schedule would be produced by 2022, and the production would end with a balance of 8,000 VF-4 in total. However, as the VF-5000 finally just received approval for mass production at this stage in 2020, it has generated an uncertainty in the VFs that can be procured at present. Even though the number of VF-1 hasn't surpassed the VF-4, even if they could produce additional VF-1—as production had already ended in 2015—there isn't a production line. For that reason, the VF-1 which were were preserved in mothball in reserve were updated to supplement the craft that had had modernization improvements.

Pg 089

About 500 VF-1 initial-production type VF-1 from before the First Interstellar War were stored on the Moon's surface and in various places on the Earth, and a regeneration plan was made for these VF-1 that specialized in fighting the Zentrādi. A great number of these initial type VF-1 comprised Blocks 4 and 5—which were not suited for combat outside of the atmosphere—and were quickly decommissioned after the interstellar war.

The VF-1 improvement project came to be called the "Sleipnir II Program", and was promptly put into effect. The principal improvement points are as follows.

■ Engine Power-Up
The main engines were changed to improve performance. The FF-2011 that the VF-4 is equipped with were resized for the VF-1, and were assigned as the new FF-2012 type. Maximum thrust was improved from 11,500 kg to 13,200 kg per engine.

■ Main Wing Structural Change
Added to the alteration of the internal structure of the main wings, the inherent frequency of the wings has been changed, and an improvement in the wingtip attitude control vernier's operational efficiency was attempted. Compared to the strengthening in the rigidity of the wings, there has only been a small increase in cost and weight.

■ The Use of Energy Conversion Armour in Fighter Mode
By installing the newly developed Thermonuclear Reaction Battery, a portion of the Energy Conversion Armour is enabled even in Fighter Mode. The Thermonuclear Reaction Battery diverts the core technology of the Thermonuclear Reactor Engine, and within the battery, electrolyte melts at super high temperature and electrical power is produced. Even though it generates a far greater electric power than such things as the engines' MHD [magnetohydrodynamic] system or a nuclear battery, the Thermonuclear Reaction Battery has a short lifespan—and as a consequence of using field carbon, the battery was changed after each sortie. In addition, the battery couldn't support a long-term patrol flight lasting several days. Because the Thermonuclear Reaction Battery is stored in the dorsal spin behind the cockpit, this part of the airframe was somewhat increased in size from the existing VF-1. However, because the operation of Energy Conversion Armour that extends over the entire airframe through using the Thermonuclear Reaction Battery was difficult, it was only able to defend important sections—such as the cockpit, engines and so on—for a short time (it was mainly spread out for a few minutes when aiming or attacking). In addition, the Thermonuclear Reaction Battery had the advantage of being used for multiple purposes, such as life support during emergency escapes, an emergency power supply for optional large beam weapons, and so on.

Pg 090

1. In the 2020's, when such VFs as the VF-5000 and VF-1P were committed into combat, the AMM-1 Arrow also achieved an evolution to its 3rd generation. The AMM-1X, in combination with the APG-99 radar that was installed in the VF-1P, enabled the VF to lock onto 18 targets at the same time. The pilot only has to properly designate the target to be attacked (this is also mostly automatically determined by ANIGRAS) and launch the missile. After firing, it is possible for the VF to change to immediate movement, as the missile pursues the target by using its own target acquisition abilities. Furthermore, the VF-1 which haven't received the modernization improvement don't have the ability to use the AMM-1X.

2. The VF-1P has improved manoeuvrability due to an enhancement of the airframe's rigidity, and it was nimbler in the atmosphere than the unimproved VF-1. Pilots welcomed this increased high-performance that didn't appear in the specs.

3. Rigādo belonging to the Unified Space Forces Marine Corps with a Planet Zola-stationed defence VF force. In an area that's oriented toward being a unified training zone with the objective of joint manoeuvres, the VF-1P in the foreground is overtaking the Rigādo formation.

Pg 091

4 & 5. The VF-1 is not limited to large-scale modernization improvements. They repeatedly underwent such things as parts exchanges and small-scale updates at each regular inspection. It's said that the gross weight of each VF would increase by an average of about 100 kg a year. Even though the VF-1X/P is intended to be for the Block 4–8 early models, due to the systematic remodelling and exchanging of equipment, it is assumed that the airframe weight has lightened more than that of such models as the VF-1N, which was born from a similar modernization improvement.

Pg 092

■ VF-1P Freya Valkyrie
Development: Shinsei Industry
Model: VF-1P
Empty Weight: 13,800 kg (estimated)
Main Propulsion Engine: Shinnakasu/P&W/Royce FF-2021 thermonuclear turbine engine x2
Auxiliary Propulsion Engine: liquid rocket booster x3
Thrust: 13,200 kg (main engine), 8,520 kg (auxiliary engine)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2.83 (at 10,000 m), Mach 3.91 (at or above 30,000 m)
Crew: 1
Standard Armament: Mauler RÖV-20 11 mm Anti-air Laser Machine-gun x1, Howard GU-11D 55 mm 3-barrel Gatling Gun Pod
External Armament: AMM-1 Anti-air, Anti-ground Missile, RMS-1F Large Anti-ship Reaction warhead, others.

Fighter Form
Length: 14.23 m
Width: 14.30 m (wings fully extended), 8.20 m (wings swept back)
Height: 3.62 m

■ Avionics Update
Such things as the radar, RWS, and ECM equipment are adjusted according to the frequency that are used by such things as search radars and sensors that the Zentrādi Forces use. The radar is equipped with the APG-997 Phased Array Radar—which is the APG-995 that the VF-4's are equipped with, improved for VF-1 use.

■ Active Stealth System Update
Similar to the avionics, the system has been adjusted to match the radar frequencies that are used by the Zentrādi Forces. In addition, because such things as the modulation system and search pattern of the Zentrādi Forces' radar is greatly different from the Earth ones, the software has also been completely improved.

■ ANIGRAS Update
ANIGRAS—the keystone of the VF-1 and viewed as the combat system—has been updated to the ANIGRAS/AD-3, which includes the tactical patterns of the Zentrādi Forces, so that even Zentrādi pilots can easily handle it.

The VF-1 after it was improved was called the X model (VF-1X), and their Bu. Number was also freshly renewed. In addition, even though the outlines of the panels are certainly identical to the original model fighters, such things as the panel lines adopt trim line patterns that take stealthiness into consideration. With the VF-1X, the dorsal spine was enlarged to store a Thermonuclear Reaction Battery, and it was possible to easily identify the VF-1X from existing models.

Pg 093

In total, 400 VF-1X were newly made or produced from improvements to existing VF-1. In addition, after a part of the fuselage's airframe was exchanged for improved performance parts, each part of the fuselage had further refining to its aeromechanics. For an improvement in its stealth performance, the shape of the VF-1's airframe was also changed to a stealthier form whenever it was possible to do so. Valkyries with these changes are referred to as the VF-1P. The technology adopted by the P model is the technology obtained in the development experience of the VF-5000, applied to the VF-1. Consequently, the overall performance that the VF-1P is said to have acquired favourably compares to the current VF-5000.

In addition to the VF-1 modernization improved models, there is the N model. The N model was applied to block 9–10 models, which were the earliest produced in the block 9 and later models—what are referred to as the latter model VF-1. The VF-1N's engines were exchanged to the FF-2008, and had a revision to their avionics.

In addition, because an update request was also submitted by the forces that possess the production block 6 VE-1 Elint Seeker, there's information that improvements corresponding to the X model or P model were implemented to—among the 60 aircraft produced—the 12 that are in active service.

As present technical information about the X and P models is bundled together in great detail, the actual circumstances are that little information is being disclosed to the public concerning such things as the particulars of their abilities and the contents of the remodelling. Consequently, the details of such things as the radar modes and range are unknown.

In addition, at this time it is assumed that the naming of the VF-1 modernization improvement craft as the "Freya Valkyrie" was by the Shinsei Industry development camp. Even though its exact definition is unknown, it is generally used as the name for the P model.

Pgs 094-095

■ VF-1P Caution Marks

Pg 096

■ VF-1 FAST Pack / Config ver. 4.0 (for VF-1P)
Development: Shinsei Industry
Dorsal: NP-BP-01C OMS/RCS Pack, HMMMP-02 Micro-missile pod
Leg: NP-FB-01C Conformal Tank
Arm: NP-AR-01D Conformal Tank/Micro-missile pod
Tank Capacity: 1,690 L (inside the aircraft) +5,650 L (FAST Packs)

Pg 097

■ The VF-1P's FAST Packs have had a design change to match the fuselage: their shape has been revised to improve stealthiness, and the propellant capacity has also been enlarged. In addition, as the hard-points on the main wings have been increased to 3 per wing in the VF-1X/P—similar to the wings used in the block 9 and later craft—it is possible to equip them with various armament patterns.

Pg 098

■ The Armaments of the Evolving VF-1
The arms production infrastructure that existed on Earth was destroyed in the First Interstellar War. Thereafter, the armaments of the VF-1 completely changed into dedicated ones. Even though the VF-1—as an air superiority and interception unit—had potent offensive abilities from such things as micro missiles and the anti-air anti-ground AMM-1 Arrow missiles, in addition to its fixed armaments, it was essential to continuously improve missile warhead performance (the destructive power and tracking performance); as the VF-1 had to destroy small Mobile Weapons, such as the Zentrādi Battle Pod and Air Battle Pod which where assumed to be its main opposing force, with as few a number of fired shells as possible. Consequently, after 2010, a great number of variations of the AMM-1, the first missile for VF use, were born.

When the balance of cruising capabilities, manoeuvrability, tracking, and enemy search performance are taken into account, it's difficult to exceed a missile's size and power threshold values. With AMM-1 sized armaments, in the long run, they can't be depended on against the battleship class vessels. While countermeasures, called Reaction Weapons, have been prepared for anti-ship combat, because Reaction Weapons—which have an absolute offensive capability—need prudent judgement when used, the development of an armament that could oppose from the 1,000 m class Scout Ship to the 2,000 [m] class Standard Battleship with the combat capabilities of about 1 squadron, was separately desired. Even though armaments that were born under novel tactical ideas, such as the Mauler Double-barrelled Beam Canon Pack, also called the Anti-ship Laser, were introduced into actual combat in around 2013, such an anti-ship missile series was also one of those armaments. While anti-ship missiles—which throughly pursued power—sacrificed a degree of such things as guide-ability and speed, on the other hand they were starting to be produced.

Coordinated tactics were worked out where those large anti-ship missiles were loaded onto the attacking squadrons (SVC) in the VF force attached to a carrier's aircraft wing. Those SVC squadrons were accompanied by fighter-attack squadrons (SVF) that were mainly armed with AMM-1 series missiles, in order to escort the SVC squadrons to the neighbourhood of the enemy ship.

Here in the attached list, we introduce the AMM-1 series missiles which have been made public between the great war and now. In addition, because many of the particulars of the specs have yet to be made public, they have been left out.

AMM-1 Series

■ AMM-1 Arrow
Normal, and for use within an atmosphere

■ AMM-1B Arrow (TV)
Exclusively used outside the atmosphere: video guided and infrared guidance

■ AMM-1H Arrow
HEAT or SSF warhead model [Translator's note: HEAT = High Explosive Anti-Tank, SSF = Self-Formed Penetrator (AKA Explosively Formed Penetrator)]

■ AMM-1B Arrow (Hybrid)
Exclusively used outside the atmosphere: composite sensor

■ AMM-1C Agile Arrow
Highly-manoeuvrability model

■ AMM-1CR Arrow
Continuous-rod warhead model

■ AMM-1B Arrow (R)
Exclusively used outside the atmosphere: active radar

■ AMM-1EX Longbow Arrow
Extended range model.

■ AMM-1X Arrow II
Advanced Type

Anti-Ship Missile Series

■ GBU-28/B Paveway III Penetrator LGB
Normal laser guidance

■ GBU-28/S Space-Paveway III Penetrator LGB
Laser guided inertial penetrator model (thrusters replace the flight control surfaces)

■ PB-28/I Inertial Strike Penetrator
Unguided inertial penetrator model

■ GBU-27/S Space-Paveway IV TVGB
TV guided inertial penetrator model

■ ASSB-154/S Stealth-JSOW
Stealth-exterior, TV guided inertial penetrator model (thrusters replace the flight control surfaces)

Pg 099

■ GU-11D

_1_ Axial sensor
_2_ magazine
_3_ finger guard
_4_ trigger
_5_ grip
_6_ connector
_7_ battery
_8_ ejection port
_9_ aiming sensor
_10 muzzle

The GU-11D is standard equipment for the VF-1P, and is the second generation VF-1 gun pod. Its greatest point of improvement is that it has a structure which can exchange magazines, and it can carry a diverse variety of shells for actions to preserve public order. The GU-11D also uses propelled-type shells within the atmosphere, and by reducing shooting recoil, it has improved accuracy. In addition, another advantage is the lengthening of time in the gun pod's maintenance intervals.

The magazine cover is opened and the magazine is set in the socket under the main body of the gun pod. There are 120 shots loaded into 1 magazine. A bayonet unit can also be installed in the cover, and even in that case, it is possible to open and close the weapon's cover and change the magazine. The connector standard which connects the gun pod to the VF-1's body at the grip in fighter mode has not changed from the A model.

Standard tracer bullets (while it's visible light in the atmosphere, another method is used in space) are observed with a sensor thats parallel to the muzzle to see the gun pod's shooting axis line. In the foremost part of the top of the weapon is an optical sensor that collects the data necessary for firing the gun pod. It coordinates firing information with such things as the radar installed within the aircraft.

■ VF-1P Armament Loading Pattern

[note: when facing forward] _7_ _6_ _5_ _4_
_3_ _2_ _1_
GU-11D _1_
AMM-1 Series _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_ _3_
RMS-1 _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
UUM-7 _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
GBU-28/B _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
GBU-28/S _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
GBU-27/S _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
PB-28/I _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
ASSB-154S _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_


The Insurrection of the Fitz Roy

Pg 100

The Insurrection of the Fitz Roy

The Disappearance of the Fitz Roy
On Aug. 19, 2021 at 20:00, one huge shadow appeared suddenly in the space region neighbouring the asteroid belt that's about 420 million km distant from the Stoppel Star System's primary star El Dorado. What showed up is the New Unified Space Forces attached ARMD-II class ARMD-213 Altamira.

Bogotá—representative of the star system's asteroids—could be seen before the ship. Bogotá is an asteroid that is a base for resource mining, and is coloured a burnished pale yellow with some thin white bands running in parallel.

Before long, a group of carrier-based aircraft took off from the side of the Altamira. It was a formation of 4 VF-1 from the first combat squadron SVF-266, attached as defence to a detachment of VE-1 ELINT Seeker + (Plus) belonging to the SVAW-12 Prairie Dogs. Even though the VE-1 is an airborne early warning craft that have been used since the First Interstellar War, its silhouette seemed to be somewhat different from the information that's been released to the public in general. In addition to that, it had become impossible for the VE-1—which had already become old-fashioned as it was produced 10 years ago—to complete its role in a combat unit that had started to introduce new models that mainly had a data-link problem with the VE-1. An extension to the VE-1's service life was attempted in a modernization upgrade. The 4 VF-1 which fly by inertia over Bogotá's skies are also Valkyries that have received those upgrades. The upgrades to the VE-1 are a change to the latest version of avionics that can operate a new standard radome, and the head turret was also exchanged for one that was developed as an advanced variant of the A type.

The mission assigned to them is intelligence gathering. The autonomous government of Planet El Dorado was presently in an emergency. The transport ship—which had been transporting reaction missiles and had been sent from the Earth zone as a combat capability of the Emigrant Planet's defence—itself had vanished. The events had occurred 26 hours earlier. The transport ship Fitz Roy departed the Earth zone with the ARMD-II class ARMD-240 Hallstatt escort, which had been dispatched to the El Dorado resident defence force. At the time of its defold, the Hallstatt didn't know where the Fitz Roi had gotten to when it vanished. Even though the Hallstatt doubtfully searched the assigned coordinates and so on for a Space Fold accident, the truth was that it wasn't something like an accident. Two hours after the event occurred, a report dashed out about the hijacking of the regular flight of a mining resources transport ship that had departed El Dorado for Bogotá, by rebelling Zentrādi.

■ ARMD class ARMD-213 Altamira A newly augmented ARMD-II class ship under the command of the Earth zone's reserve fleet. Depending on the situation, the ship is likely to be sent outside the solar system due to request for support by Emigrant Planets, while being concurrently tasked with training VF pilots for deployment to the defence fleet of Emigrant Planets that are in the midst of development.

* SVAW-12 Prairie Dogs The 12th Airborne Early Warning squadron was a unit that was deployed to augment the Mars orbit's Second Defensive Line's fleet. The squadron might be dispatched as a detachment of several VE-1 ELINT Seeker+ to military vessels when they were on solo missions as needed. Even though, as a matter of course, there are pilots in the unit, only the airframe and its operator could be handed over according to the mission contents of the previously lent unit. The origin of the unit's name is the prairie dog that lives in the grasslands of North America, because this small animal informs its companions about the penetration of a foreign enemy with a cry that is laced with all sorts of information woven into it.

* Fitz Roy An improved type of 800 m class Zentrādi Transport Warship. It is used as a regular service that carries such things as personnel and supplies Emigrant Planets that are in a relatively short range (within 100 light years). It can also handle Zentrādi who haven't been micronized, and 80% of its residential section was left as-is in the original ship, and the remainder of the residential section was remodelled to Earthling size. As far as the Zentrādi are concerned, 800 m class warships are a comparatively cramped class.

Pg 101

They had concealed themselves as comrades in the Fitz Roi beforehand, and had moved the coordinates of the defold site. In all probability, there purpose was defection from the New Unified Government... in other words, it seems that they hoped to return to a Zentrādi Main Fleet.

When it was the year 2020, planets that have the potentiality of colonization were discovered one after another, and a large quantity of labour was needed in every star system. However, one part of that labour are the Zentran who cannot resolve the stress of "cultural conduct", and small scale uprisings happened frequently in various places. The Fitz Roy incident is one of those uprisings, and the suppression of the uprising is essentially under the jurisdiction of the autonomous government [of the Stoppel star system]. However, the circumstances were special this time. Those circumstances are indicated to be the 3 points of: the existence of 30 tactical Reaction Missiles that were being provided for star-system defence inside the vanished Fitz Roi, QF-3100 EX Ghosts that were carried similarly for the augmentation of the star system's combat strength, and the developing agency engineers who were riding together with the armaments to successfully set-up their deployment.

When the New Unified Government received the information from the autonomous government, it sent a military vessel with a carrier wing to the Stoppel star system. That was the New Unified Space Forces earth Reserve Fleet's ARMD-II class Altamira. The Altamira is an experimental independent unit that's organized for the resolution of special matters through independent action. The Altamira has 2 VF-5000 squadrons—the latest fighter—in addition to being equipped with a force composed only of the VF-1, the old type VF-1.

On August 19th, at 19:00, the autonomous government and the Altamira confirm the joint resolution of the incident, and begin a suppression operation. In addition, due to the establishment of special measures laws that are concerned with reaction weapons, the operation was directed by the Altamira's captain, Colonel Jair Beresford. The Altamira executed the Space Fold to the asteroid Bogotá at 20:00. After defold, the VE-1 ELINT Seekers immediately took off from the warship.

* QF-3100EX Ghost
AIF-3Ex / QF-3100EX Ghost Kai. The EX code is for those exported outside of the Earth zone, and their programing was made suitable for limited operations.

The Stonewell company had produced revised-design models based on the former unmanned QF-3000E fighter that the Northrom company had formerly produced before the great war. After Aleksei Kurakin became independent in 2017 and established the General Galaxy company, the AIF-3Ex became one of the leading production craft of this new company. Incidentally, the original "QF" is the model code that the Unified Forces had adopted. General Galaxy used the different "AIF" as the product code. There were many cases where this product code was applied as-is in regions outside of the direct control of the center of the Unified Forces.

Pg 102

First Contact

* Mining Transport Ship
As this type of transport ship performs extremely short range Space Folds, it is equipped with a cartridge-style ship-board Space Fold mechanism that is used up from coming and going. Although the ship is quite small in scale compared to something like a large ship, it is still too large to load small units, such as VFs and Battle Pods.

Emitter Location System. Electromagnetic-wave origin designator system.

* Transfer Point

* VE-1 Rear-seat Specialists

Pg 103


* VF-1P/#110
The SVF-64 Ansers #110 aircraft in training. After experiencing 2 years of service in the same squadron, Warrant Officer Bertaria, who had operated this craft, transferred to a VF-5000 unit and became the company commander. Major Kirihara Shigeto, who was contacted for guidance, evaluated Bertaria as "originally someone who's familiar with humanoid Battle Pods, so that tactics that use the transformation to Battroid are like putting that fish into its element. However, I can say with confidence that she's not very good in atmospheric Fighter Mode only dogfights."

* VA-3 Invader
A Variable Attack Craft that was designed based on the Variable Attacker plan. It can load a great number of tactical weapons, such as reaction weapons, and is mainly invested in to anti-ship attack missions.

Pg 104

Valkyrie Driver

■ (...)

* Meltrandi

Simulated combat between dissimilar equipment.

* Quadoran-Rō θ
A Quadoran-Rō series Zentrādi battle pod. An original New Unified Forces remodelling which is used by Zentrādi pilots who haven't been micronized. It is commonly called the Super Quadoran-Rō.

* Adversary Force

Pg 105


■ ARMD-213 Altamira's SVF-64 Ansers
Warrant Officer Laura Bertaria's VF-1P#110 aircraft / August 2021.
The SVF-64 was formed at the beginning of 2010. As the majority of the aircraft that composed SVF-64 were lost in the Anti-Bodoru Flagship Fleet Battle, the squadron disappeared for a period of time as it was merged with other flight squadrons in the postwar reorganization. In 2021, when former unit member Major Kirihara Shigeto established a new squadron, SVF-64 was restored. It was given a new name which is presumed to have an origin in a grey migratory goose (anser).

Pg 106

To the Next Generation

* EMP Attack

* Kirihara Shigeto (1986~)

* Laura Bertaria
(...) scanlation: originally a Rapuramizu Fleet Meltrandi officer (...)

* Daiki Yoshino (1999~)

Pg 107


1. (...)

2. and 3. (...)


VF Genealogy 2011-2030

Pg 108

VF Genealogy 2011-2030

The Development Details of the VF-4 Lightning III

■ More detailed information is in our already published "Variable Fighter Master File: Wings of Hope". If there's a chance, we hope that you get it by any means.*

* Translator's note: this is referring to a fictional, in-universe publication.

* Alexei Kurakin
Originally an engineer belonging to the aircraft design bureau of the former Soviet Union. After the Unification War, he transfered to Stonewell Bellcom and participated in the design of the VF-4. After the interstellar war, he independently assembled many promising Zentrādi engineers and founded General Galaxy in 2018. In the midst of the VF-X-10 (later the VF-9 Cutlass) development, he died in a flight test accident involving a remodelled VF-4, which was something he had designed himself.

* Emigrant Management Control Bureau (EMCB)
An Emigrant Management Control Bureau. In accordance with "the Mankind Sowing Plan", the EMCB is an organization that was established for the purpose of efficiently spreading humankind in the galaxy. The EMCB performs all kinds of duties, from the draughting of the Emigrant Fleet construction plan, to deciding such things as the citizen's boarding order and assignments.

Pg 109

The Development Details of the VF-3000 Crusader

The Development Details of the VF-5000 Star Mirage

Pg 110

(last paragraph on the VF-5000):
It was a short time between the maiden flight of the YVF-5000, roughly the last specification, until the decision to adopt the VF-5000; and the Unified Forces placed the order for the first 850 aircraft in April 2019. The first mass-produced aircraft's roll-out was in the following April, in 2020. The VF-5000 was mass produced for the following 8 years, and in 2028 production ended with a total of 12,072 aircraft produced.

VF-X Development Project Details

■ VF-X-3

■ VF-X-4 (Before the Great War)

■ VF-X-4 (After the Great War)

Pg 111

■ VF-4 Lightning III

* Grand Cannon II
At that time in 2009, the Grand Cannon II was under-construction in Australia. It started construction as a large-scale base that had a command centre function identical to the Alaska Unified Forces Command Headquarters. Even though the interference by the Anti-Unification Alliance during construction delayed its construction, such things as the accompanying underground base facilities and research institutions were used thereafter. It saved a small number of survivors despite the wartime destruction of the First Interstellar War.

Force Development Evaluation. An aircraft used for the evaluation of the development of fighting capabilities.


VF Extra File: Comeback

Pg 112

VF Extra File: Comeback

Re-summoning Day
(paragraph 6) Nevertheless, one way or another there wasn't a chance to collect the data, and as a result of having taken full advantage of the personal connections that had been cultivated so far, the gossip of those who had moderately ridden together [with subject of preceding paragraph] were found. It was suitable for a short-term unit reshuffle, and [subject person] was able to transfer to a Space Carrier. The carrier was one of the ARMD-II class carriers that were cruising at the Lagrange 5 (L-5) Manufacturing-Industry Satellite. The carrier was one of the ARMD-II class vessels that had become somewhat old fashioned and had returned from an Emigrant Fleet. The ARMD-II class ship had received a number of remodelling updates, and was said to be spending its remaining years as a training ship. ARMD-204 Kīlauea was one of the first carriers that was built as an ARMD-II class, and it was the first warship of this class to have been given a second mission [after completing its first Emigrant Fleet mission].

1. SVF-43 Grim Wolves in the midst of training in orbit equipped with dummy Anti-ship Reaction Missiles.

2. Before their deployment to the SDF-1 Macross was decided, the Grim Wolves trained for a fixed period both outside and inside the atmosphere to develop the pilots of the VF-1—an all-regime Variable Fighter—and prepared for the day of the coming war.

3. A formation of Grim Wolves rendezvousing with the AVT-204 Kīlauea in Earth's orbit in April, 2029. The picture was taken from the rear seat of a VT-1P Ostrich+. Major W. Barrett's #101 aircraft is in the foreground. In addition to a travel pod for the transport of personal effects, there are two AMM-1B missiles suspended on the underside of each wing.

Pg 113


* VT-1P Ostrich+ [Ostrich Plus]
A training craft that is a modernized two-seater VT-1 (Block 6), and has had performance improvement identical to the VF-1P.

* Space Flight Physiology Training

Pg 114

■ (...)

The Soldiers on the Warship

* Guantanamo class Stealth Carrier
An ARMD type Stealth Carrier that incorporates Zentrādi technology. The No. 1 ship was commissioned in 2026. Thereafter, it was built together with the ARMD-II class, and it was deployed to the defensive lines within the Solar System, Emigrant Fleets, and so on as a capital ship in the New Unified Forces. 90 Guantanamo class ships were scheduled to be commissioned before 2035.

* F/A-20 Dragon II
A MacNeil Douglar air-superiority fighter. It was used alongside the F-14 and so on as the main fighter in the Unification War. It's a twin-engined clipped delta fighter. There are variations such as the ship borne N model, which is called the Sea Dragon.

* Su-33 Flanker D2
A second Flanker D variant. It is an advanced model of the Su-27 Flanker, the Anti-Unification Alliance's main fighter. It boasts of a high manoeuvrability. A small number were produced and invested into combat in the closing period of the Unification War.

* Hawai'i Base
There was a VF-1 model conversion training centre in Hawai'i in 2009. Pilots from all around the world were assembled at it. A training centre was established at the same base in 2008, and the first pilots who were trained for a short time at the centre were assigned to the SDF-1 Macross.

* Kisugi
Motoharu Kisugi. His rank was captain (at the time). He got on board in the VF-1's development period, and participated in such things as missions that started at high altitude. He participated in our companies "Variable Fighter Master File: VF-1 Valkyrie"'s Streak Valkyrie Challenge". He later participated in the First Interstellar War as a VF-1 pilot. Having experienced membership in the SVF-50 Spirits of the Sword, he participated actively in such things as the military technical research group after the war.

* SVF-41 Black Aces
One of the VF-1 squadrons that was formed at the very beginning. At present, the squad gathers top aces, and they reign over the entire forces as the strongest combat unit at the same time as they study military strategy. It isn't possible to join the squadron by request. All the members are headhunted from other units by scouts.

* SVC-125 Strato-boggie
An adversary unit with the alias "Ghosts of the Stratosphere".

Pg 115

■ (...)

The Changing Times

Pg 116

The Fateful Boarding

The Macross's Valkyrie Force

Pg 117

■ ARMD-204 Kīlauea SVF-43 Grim Wolves

The Strength the People of the Macross Acquired

Pg 118


They're Legacy to Posterity

1. (...)
2. (...)
3. (...)

Pg 119


* Improved Type of Pilot's Suit
The TSV-30 Tactical Suit—developed for boarding the VF-11—was a prototype model at this point in time. It appears that test operation samples were provided to a part of the air units from the beginning of 2029.

* Wolfgang Barrett (1990-)


VF-1 Squadron Markings

Pg 120

Squadron Marking of VF-1
VF-1 Squadron Colours and Markings

■ ARMD-12 Independence SVF-92 Clovers
VF-1A (Block 12) #201 / Aug. 2015

After exoatmospheric flight training on the ARMD-7 Ranger, SVF-92—which was formed in Hawai'i in Jan. 2010—was deployed to ARMD-8 Midway which guarded L-5 [a Lagrange point where the Unified Forces have facilities]. On the Ranger, SVF-41 Black Aces handled the instruction of SVF-92's exoatmospheric flight training, and the spade in their unit insignia follows the SVF-41's example. The SVF-92 was transferred to the AMRD-12 Independence in Sept. 2013. The squadron converted to the VF-4 in 2019.

■ CVS-200 Trident SVF-227 Smothered Mates
VF-1A (Block 10) #305 / Apr. 2016


■ Moon's Surface Apollo Base SVF-124 Moon Shadows
VF-1A (Block 9) #100 /Nov. 2011

Their roots are in the old VF-1 squadron SVF-24, which was formed in Jul., 2009. They are known as one of the units that was loaded aboard the SDF-1 Macross as a replenishment force when the SDF-1 accomplished its return to Earth in the November of that year. At that time, the SVF-24's VF-1 had had the underside of their Valkyries painted black as an airframe visibility test for operations outside the atmosphere. The SVF-24 lost the majority of its aircraft in the interstellar war, and after they were disbanded, they reformed as SVF-124 and were stationed in the Moon's Surface Apollo Base as a defensive unit over the following 20 years, they used the VF-4, VF-1X, VF-1P, and VF-5000 main fighters. They are scheduled to convert to the VF-11 from 2030.

Pg 121

■ CVT-8 Midway SVT-21
VT-1 (Block 10) #210 / Apr. 2026

They were one of the training flight squadrons that was formed at the Moon's Surface Apollo Base in May, 2011. The unit had just been reorganized in the following year's unit organization, and were transfered to Macross City together with SVT-24 and SVT-28, to train new VF-1 drivers [sic]. In 2016, they were once more based at the Apollo Base. Thereafter, they were deployed to the ARMD-5 Midway and ARMD-13 Forrestal, and over a period of about 10 years, they conducted exoatmospheric flight training in FAST Pack equipped VF-1. In 2026, they were transferred to the CVT-8 Midway—which had been changed into a practice carrier (CVT)—and were reshuffled from four squadrons into the No.2 Training Air Division.

■ Unified Space Forces Marine Corps SVFM-31 Hawks
VF-1 (Block 5) #03 /Oct. 2009


■ ARMD-14 R.A. Risling SVF-69 Big Dippers
VF-1A (Block 13) #502 / Nov. 2016


Pg 122

■ Unified Naval Forces Carrier Ark Royal SVF-26 Cavaliers
VF-1A FRS.1 (Block 5) #205 / Feb. 2009


■ ARMD-244 Lassen Peak SVF-56 Griffins
VF-1A (Block 15) #309 / 2024

The SVF-56—who were annihilated at the Earth in the interstellar war—were reorganized in 2014 and deployed in the Mars Area Carrier Wing. Immediately after it was decided that they would convert to the VF-5000 in 2023, they were accompanied the ARMD-244 Lassen Peak, which had just been commissioned, on its maiden voyage. The ARMD-244 headed for the Outer Solar System No.1 Defensive Line, and to commemorate its flight past Neptune, the Griffins' Valkyries had an ocean-style camouflage paint applied to them. After this cruise—which lasted 1 year—the VF-1 that the SVF-66 used left the Earth together with an Emigrant Fleet.

■ New Unified Forces Command Headquarters No.2 Combat Wing SVF-88
VF-1A (Block 7) #207 1st Lt. Shigeto Kirihara's craft / Apr. 2012

The unit was formed together with SVF-89 in Hawai'i in 2009, and was assigned to ARMD-8 Midway after being assigned to ARMD-5 Akagi. They participated in the Bodoru Main Fleet Battle in Feb., 2010. After the great war, they were integrated with SVF-64—who had lost the majority of its Valkyries in the war—and commenced satellite-city defence duties, centred on Onogi City as the Eastern District Garrison for Earth reconstruction and public order maintenance actions. At that time, the airframes of the garrison were painted red on the underside of their fuselages so that it was easy to recognize them from the ground.

Pg 123

■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-13 Plungers
VF-1J (Block 5) #501 2nd Lt. Hidefumi Takita's craft / Feb. 2010


■ New Unified Forces Command Headquarters No.1 Defensive Wing SVF-77 Seven Stars
VF-1P #110 / 2022


■ New Unified Forces Command Headquarters Special Tactics Wing SVF-113 Great Bisons
VF-1P #099 / 2024


Pg 124

■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-1 Skulls / Kirkland Platoon
VF-1A (Block 4) #104 1st Lt. Kenneth Kirkland's craft / Jul. 2009


■ SDF-1 Macross SVF-13 Plungers / Meyer Platoon
VF-1A (Block 5) #507 1st Lt. Marcos Meyer's craft / Sept. 2009

■ New Unified Forces Command Headquarters Test Evaluation Squadron SVF-50 Spirits of the Sword
VF-1A (Block 8) #06 / Feb. 2010

SVF-50—dispatched to the Moon District Forces from Nov. 2009—made the ARMD-6 their main base, and are considered to have conducted test operations of all sorts of VF-1 optional equipment that was being developed for space combat. For that reason, conspicuous colour markings were applied to part of the fuselage, to make the Valkyries easier to find in the unlikely event they made an emergency landing or were adrift. The unit even participated in the Bodoru Main Fleet Battle with this colouring in February, the following year. After being equipped with FAST Packs and linking up with the SDF-1 Macross, they sortied for "Operation Lynn Minmei".

Pg 125

■ FAST Packs

■ Markings

■ SVF-26 Royal Cavaliers

■ SVF-144 Clover Leafs

■ VAW-12 Prairie Dogs

■ SVF-19 Hammerheads

■ SVC-133 Star Hunters

■ SVF-61 War Babies

■ Config. 2.0

■ Config. 2.0 / SVF-1 Skulls

■ Config. 2.0 / SVF-22

■ Config. 2.0 / SVF-40 Spirits of the Sword

■ Config. 4.0 (for the VF-1P)

■ Config. 4.2 / SVF-64 Ansers


© Aaron Sketchley