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By AARON SKETCHLEY ( Ver 2.1 2022.02.13
Background Information Ideas & Roll Charts

Note: green is Official Setting information, blue is Extended Universe information, and brown is dojinshi information.

The Basics

Family Origin

Height and Weight

Birthplace World

Birth Order
Rounding Out Your Character

Childhood Events

Life Events

Complete the relevant sections on the character sheet by either:

The Basics

Gender: 1D10

1-5 male
6-10 female

Handedness: 1D6

1-4 right
5-6 left

Hair Colour: 1D10

1-2 brown
3-4 black
5-6 light blue
7-8 green
9-10 purple

Skin Colour: 1D10
(Zentrādi characters only)

1-2 dark purple
3-4 light purple
5-6 light blue
7-8 pale gray
9-10 pink (Caucasian)

Eye Colour: 1D100

01-60 brown
61-89 light blue
90-97 green
98-00 red

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Family Origin

Games set in the First Interstellar War Era (2009) to 2030: 1D10

Note: numbers in (brackets) indicate which of the following charts to use.

1 Human (1)(2): You were born before the First Interstellar War. 2-3 Human (1)(2): Your parents survived the First Interstellar War. 4-6 Cloned Human (1): Parents are so overrated. Who needs them? 7-8 Human/Zentrādi (4): Your parents saw past the differences and you are the result. 9 Zentrādi (3): You were born after the First Interstellar War. Both of your parents are Zentrādi that served in the war. 10 Cloned Zentrādi (3): You were cloned before the First Interstellar War and were formerly the enemy.

Games set 2030 and later: 1D100

Note: Numbers in (brackets) indicate which of the following charts to use.
Cloned humans/Zentrādi are rare, though the children of the previous cloned generation are very common.

01 Human (1)(2): Both of your parents survived the First Interstellar War! 02-60 Human (1): One or both of your parents are clones. 61-70 Zentrādi (3): Your ancestors are cloned Zentrādi. 71-97 Mixed: You are a mix of human (most likely a clone) and ... roll on (4) below. 98-00 Other: You're Zolan (5b) or some other alien.

(1) Ethnicity—Human: 1D100

Note: numbers in (brackets) indicate which chart to use in Height and Weight.

01-10 East Asia/Southeast Asia/South Asia/Oceania (5b)
11-20 China (5b)
21-40 Australia/Canada/New Zealand/the UK/United States (5a)
41-60 Japan (5b)
61-70 Europe (non-English speaking) (5a)
71-80 Africa (5a)
81-90 South America (5a)
91-95 Middle East (5a)
96-00 Middle East (5b)

(2) Language:

Characters of a non-English ethnicity get the language skill for a language used by that ethnic group (at 50%, or skill level 5).

(3) Ethniticity—Zentrādi: 1D10

Note: numbers in (brackets) indicate which chart to use in Height and Weight.

1-5 Zentrādi (5a)
6-10 Meltrandi (5a)

(4) Ethniticity—Mixed: 1D100

Note: numbers in (brackets) indicate which chart to use in Height and Weight.

Human and ...
01-98 Zentrādi (5a). Roll on (3) to determine which branch of the species.
99-00 Zolan (5b) or another alien race.

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

Height and Weight
Note: convert the results of the following to metric for inclusion in a Sketchley game.

5a 5b
01-02 5 ft 2 in, 80+3D10 lb
03-05 5 ft 3 in, 85+3D10 lb
06-08 5 ft 4 in, 90+3D10 lb
09-12 5 ft 5 in, 100+3D10 lb
13-17 5 ft 6 in, 110+3D10 lb
18-22 5 ft 7 in, 120+3D10 lb
23-27 5 ft 8 in, 125+4D10 lb
28-34 5 ft 9 in, 130+4D10 lb
35-43 5 ft 10 in, 135+4D10 lb
44-56 5 ft 11 in, 140+4D10 lb
57-65 6 ft 0 in, 145+4D10 lb
66-72 6 ft 1 in, 150+4D10 lb
73-78 6 ft 2 in, 150+5D10 lb
79-83 6 ft 3 in, 155+5D10 lb
84-88 6 ft 4 in, 160+5D10 lb
89-92 6 ft 5 in, 165+5D10 lb
93-95 6 ft 6 in, 170+5D10 lb
96-98 6 ft 7 in, 175+5D10 lb
99-00 6 ft 8 in, 180+5D10 lb
01-02 4 ft 8 in, 60+4D10 lb
03-05 4 ft 9 in, 65+4D10 lb
06-08 4 ft 10 in, 70+4D10 lb
09-12 4 ft 11 in, 72+4D10 lb
13-17 5 ft 0 in, 74+4D10 lb
18-22 5 ft 1 in, 76+4D10 lb
23-27 5 ft 2 in, 78+4D10 lb
28-34 5 ft 3 in, 80+4D10 lb
35-43 5 ft 4 in, 85+4D10 lb
44-56 5 ft 5 in, 90+4D10 lb
57-65 5 ft 6 in, 100+4D10 lb
66-72 5 ft 7 in, 105+4D10 lb
73-78 5 ft 8 in, 110+5D10 lb
79-83 5 ft 9 in, 115+5D10 lb
84-88 5 ft 10 in, 120+5D10 lb
89-92 5 ft 11 in, 125+6D10 lb
93-95 6 ft 0 in, 130+6D10 lb
96-98 6 ft 1 in, 135+6D10 lb
99-00 6 ft 2 in, 140+6D10 lb

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

Birthplace World
If you do not have a clear idea of where the character is from, roll on the following charts 6a or 6b, and 6c. Then choose an appropriate location from the list of Macross RPG and canon locations, if one isn't specifically indicated.

If your character was born ... (6a or 6b):

6a. ... immediately after the First Interstellar War [2009 to 2020]: 1D10

1-3 Earth—roll on the list to right
4 Eden
5-6 H.G. Wells City, Mars
7-8 Moon Riverside City, the Moon
9 Space Colony Clusters, Earth's Orbit
10 White Flora Satellite City, Jupiter

Cities on Earth: 1D10
1 Bjorn City
2 Gante City
3 Highlander City
4 Ionesco City
5-6 Macross City
7 Onogi City
8 South Coast City
9 Trad City
10 smaller settlement (either newly built or rebuilt from the ashes of a major settlement.)

6b. ... later than 2020: 1D8

1 Core World
2-3 Inner Rim World (in Sectors 1-8)
4 Outer Rim World and Beyond (outside of Sectors 1-8)
5-8 Space Born and Bred (on an Emigrant Fleet, etc.)

6c. Then ...

Under your character's World Type*, roll for...

Birthplace Settlement: 1D100

And under your character's Settlement Type, roll for...

Birthplace Class: 1D100

* if you rolled on 6a, all are Core World to Inner Rim World, except for Earth (Core World), and Eden (Outer Rim Worlds and Beyond).

World Type Core World Core World to Inner Rim World Outer Rim Worlds and Beyond Space Born and Bred Education1
Settlement Type: 41-00 urban 01-40 rural 51-00 urban 01-50 rural 61-00 urban 01-60 rural 26-00 Emigrant Fleet 01-25 other
Upper class 75-00 90-00 85-00 95-00 95-00 99-00 85-00 00
Middle Class 25-74 50-89 35-84 60-94 50-94 60-98 30-84 75-99
Lower class 05-24 10-49 10-34 15-59 15-49 25-59 05-29 50-74
Indigent Class 01-04 01-09 01-09 01-14 01-14 01-24 01-04 01-49

1 Space Born and Bred characters havethe following skills as part of their base skills:

  • Navigation +5%
  • Zero Gravity Movement +15%

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

Birth Order
If you don't have a clear idea of the number of siblings your character has, roll 1D100:

01-08 only child
09-13 1st of 2
14-18 1st of 3
19-23 1st of 4
24-28 1st of 5
29-33 1st of 5+1D10
34-38 2nd of 2
39-43 2nd of 3
44-48 2nd of 4
49-53 2nd of 5
54-58 2nd of 5+1D10
59-63 3rd of 3
64-68 3rd of 4
69-73 3rd of 5
74-78 3rd of 5+1D10
79-83 4th of 4
84-88 4th of 5
89-93 4th of 5+1D10
95-98 5+1D10th of 5+1D10
99-00 illegitimate

* Note: if you consider 5 or more siblings to be too many, you could replace those results with illegitimate (keep in mind that Max Jīnasu had 7 daughters +1 adopted daughter!)

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

Rounding Out Your Character

Who you value most: 1D10

1 child
2 brother or sister
3 lover
4 friend
5 yourself
6 pet
7 teacher or mentor
8 public figure
9 personal hero
10 no one

What you value most: 1D10

1 money
2 honour
3 your word
4 honesty
5 knowledge
6 vengeance
7 love
8 power
9 having a good time
10 friendship

Basic Personality: 1D10

1 shy and secretive
2 rebellious, antisocial, violent
3 arrogant, proud and aloof
4 moody, rash and headstrong
5 picky, fussy and nervous
6 stable and serious
7 silly and fluff-headed
8 sneaky and deceptive
9 intellectual and detached
10 friendly and outgoing

World View: 1D10

1 I'm neutral to most people.
2 I like almost everyone.
3 No one understands me.
4 People are sheep who need to be led.
5 Every person is a valuable individual.
6 People must earn my respect. No free rides here.
7 People are untrustworthy. Be careful who you depend on.
8 No one's going to hurt me again.
9 People are wonderful!
10 People are scum and should be wiped out.

Current outlook on life: 1D10

1 I hate my life, but I can't change it.
2-4 My life is crazy and out of control.
4-5 I crave more adventure and thrills.
6-7 I crave more romance and passion.
8 I crave more money and power.
9-10 Life is good!

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

Childhood Events

Childhood: roll 1D10

1-6 A boring childhood.
7-10 Childhood event! (7)

(7) Childhood Events: 1D6

1-3 One or some family members were... (8)
4-6 Your entire family was... (8)

(8) For the rest of the story: 1D10

1 betrayed by a friend or relative and lost everything they had.
2 exiled. You have returned under an alias.
3 murdered before your eyes.
4 abducted or mysteriously vanished. You were inexplicably left behind.
5 not the real thing—you're adopted and obsessed with finding your true family.
6 killed in war, terrorism or disaster.
7 accused of a terrible crime that they may (or may not) have committed, and... Roll 1D10:
1-5: they were imprisoned for 1D10 years
6-10: they escaped imprisonment but are still under the gun.
8 considered to have some kind of unique birthright, ability or status.
9 unknown to you. You grew up alone, never knowing your true heritage.
10 hunted by (or involved in a long-standing vendetta) with a powerful group, or organization.

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

Life Events

Life Events: roll 1D12 for each year over 16:

1-11: refer to charts below. 12: Nothing happened that year.

1-4 Good with the bad: 1D10

1 Financial loss or dept: -1D10 x ¥100,000. You've lost this much cash. If you can't pay it now, you have a dept to pay, in money or blood.
2 Make a powerful connection: a local power player (warlord, official, noble, whatever) befriends you. Gain one free level 3 favour (see perks in the Bubblegum Crisis RPG).
3 Mentor: you gained a teacher or mentor in your life. This person has taught you one new skill up to level 1D4 (or 1D4 x 5%)—can be added to an existing skill.
4 Imprisonment: you have been exiled, imprisoned or held hostage (your choice). roll 1D10 x 1 year for length of imprisonment. A good place for a psychological complication.
5 Falsely accused: you were set up, and now face arrest or worse! A good place for an enemy complication.
6 Windfall: your financial ship just came in! +1D10 x ¥100,000 cash.
7 Accident or injury: you were in some kind of terrible accident or maimed in some other way. A good place for a psychological complication.
8 Hunted: you incurred the wrath of a powerful person, family or group. A good place for an enemy complication.
9 Mental or physical illness: you were struck down by a severe physiological illness or psychological complication.
10 Emotional loss: you lost someone you really cared about. Roll 1D10: 1-3 they were murdered. 4-7 they died by accident or illness. 8-10 they vanished, killed themselves or just up and left without any explanation.

5-8 Friends and Enemies: 1D10

1 Enemy: bitter ex-friend or lover
2 Enemy: relative
3 Enemy: partner or co-worker
4 Enemy: from rival group or faction
5 Enemy: powerful official or noble
6 Friend: like a brother, sister or parent to you.
7 Friend: partner or co-worker.
8 Friend: old lover (choose which one).
9 Friend: old enemy (choose which one).
10 Friend: met through common interest or acquaintance.

9-11 Love & War: 1D10

1-4 Happy love affair: 'nuff said.
5-6 Nothing series: 'nuff said.
7-10 Love trouble: roll on the following table:

Love Trouble: 1D10

Any of these might be a good hook for a compulsion, enemy or psychological complication.

1 Your lover's friends/family would use any means to get rid of you.
2 You fight constantly
3 You had a child! Responsibility anyone? Roll 1D2:
1 boy
2 girl
4 One of you is "messing around".
5 Lover died in accident/committed suicide/killed in fight.
6 Lover mysteriously vanished/kidnapped.
7 It just didn't work out.
8 You got married! Any further Love & War rolls refer to your marriage (or future divorce!)
9 Lover was imprisoned, exiled or went insane.
10 Rival cut you out of the action.

▲ Top ▶ Character Creation Index

© Aaron Sketchley