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Stats By D. Henwood
Ver 1.1 2015.01.26

Official Setting information is in darkgreen. Extended Universe information is in steelblue.

UNSDB: Major Protodevilun RCC

Based off of Dave Dietrich's Original Design
Edited by Marc Fletcher (Battle5) MjrPrtDglavil1 (40K)

Starting out as a Evil series just like the minor protodevilin, these creatures are self contained fleet destroyers. They have the ability to survive in the harshness of space and the raw strength to take on entire fleets of ships and easily defeat them. The abiities are all very different and most are very powerful. Each take an enormous amount of spiritia to operate and often poesses a humanoid before it is able to awaken itself. Some are capable of merging together with another, usually a special circumstance like Glavil and gavil. Glavil and Gavil had the ability to merge together to form a more advanced lifeform which will be made in future. Some Major Protodevilin don't even have legs like Zomd and Goram and rely on thier folding ablity to move. Most of these fearsome creatures resemble something from Protoculture nightmares presumably.

Major Protodevilin Get the following racial bonuses.


IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 50 + 6D6 (supernatural)
PP: 3D6
PE: 4D6 x 100
PB: 2D6
SPD: 4D6 x 10

Hit Points: PE + 1D6 x 100 per level.
MDC: 2D4 x 1000
Spiritia/MDC Enhancement: For every 200 spiritia points abosorbed, size increases by 5% and MDC is increased by 200.
Spritia Base: 1D8 x 1000 initial
Horror Factor: 16

Pre-requisite Requirements: Major Evil Series Zentradi recently posessed by being from sub universe.


Lore: Anima Spiritia
Lore: Spiritia
Lore: Protoculture
Naviagtion(Space) +10%
Navigation(Air Land Water) +15%
Tracking +10%
W.P. Spiritia Attack (+3 strike and parry).  An additional +1 to strike and parry at 3,6,9,and 12.
Hand to Hand Expert

Choose 5 skills 1 must be from Espionage .(1 addtional skill at level 3, 2 extra skills at levels 6, 9, & 12)

Communications - None
Domestic - None
Electrical - None
Espionage - Any +10%
Mechanical - None
Medical - First Aid only
Physical - Any
Pilot - N/A
Pilot Related - N/A
Rogue - None
Science - Any +10%
Technical - Lore, Litercy, Language only
W.P. - None

Secondary Skills
Select any 3 other skills with no bonuses

Wages & Rank
No Wages (But is rewarded by Spritia)

Standard Equipment
Varies; such as the Audio Defense System.

NOTE: Protodevilin have the ability to block or deflect incoming energy attacks with thier own, they simply must roll a Spirita Attack parry againest the opponent's attack roll. This continues each turn until the opponent stops his attack or pushes through to hit it's intended target.

Special Abilities For All Major Protodevilin:
Each Protodevilin has 1D6 Ablities and are choosen or given according to GM's preference.

These protodevilin are specialized in the ability to combat thier enemies using fold systems or combating fold systems of others. Valgo, Zomd, and Goram fit into this catagory

1. FOLD TRAVEL: Capablility of traveling great distances like a vessel with a fold drive. This ability is used mainly for travel and isn't used extensively for combat. Others can travel within the fold bubble.

EFFECT: Folds to a location desired. Can fold to anywhere land or space.

2. ENHANCED FOLD TRAVEL: Ability to use fold during combat and in any situation and at any moment. Zomd and Goram had this ability, which let them fold quickly and frequently. NOTE: Combat folding is used short distances. Also normal fold travel is possible at the normal cost.
GM'S NOTE: This ablity should cost several slots in Protodevilin construciton.

SPIRITIA COST: 800 (normal) 0 (combat)
EFFECT (normal): Folds to a location desired. Can fold to anywhere land or space.
EFFECT (combat): Folds to a location within 4000ft. Facing any direction. Considered an automatic action with no cost of attacks and is generally used to dodge missiles and spiritia attacks.

3. TRANSPORT FOLD: Ability to fold other objects with more profiency than the regular fold bubble. With this ablity the user can fold anything equal to it's size or smaller away from it or to any desination. Or two users can use this ablitiy to transport objects many times thier size with them to another destination. (Example; Zomd and Goram captured a Rivera from the Macross 7 Fleet.).

SPRITIA COST(2): 3000 each from two Protodevilin.
NOTE: This second function will take 1 full melee round to achieve.
EFFECT (1): Folding of equal size or less objects to any destination desired.
EFFECT (2): Will fold anything up to 20,000ft in diameter with the two to any destination.

4. FOLD INHIBITOR: Ability to generate an anti-space time distortion field capable of rendering fold capabilities inoperatable while this power is in effect. NOTE: The spiritia cost of this power is so great that Valgo can do nothing but concentrate all of his efforts into this attack, this includes the aura (yes, he is vulnerable to attack.)

SPIRITIA COST: 2000 initial use, plus 500/ per round to maintain.
EFFECT: No ships in the effective range of 20 miles may fold while this power is in effect and therefore stranded in place, although conventional engines will still work.

Each protodevilin has a basic ablity to defend itself and to be able to plaster the any fleet with the following fighting abilities.

5. ENERGY ATTACK:Ablity to convert spiritia energy directly into particle beam blasts identical to those found on most UN Spacy and Varuta warships.

SPIRITIA COST: 500 (effect 1), 350 (effect 2), 150 (effect 3).
EFFECT 1: This the most devestating attack of the creature. The beam has a range of 300,000 miles, destroying EVERYTHING in its path. The path of destruction can be varied up to 3 miles wide but the range is reduced by 1/2 doing this. If directed againest a planetary target, the beam will leave a smoldering, radioactive crater 2D6 miles in diameter at ground zero, and will cause 4D6x1,000,000 M.D to the ground and any object within 1D4 miles from the edge of the crater. Aside from not being in the path of the beam, the only way to avoid destruction from the beam is to layer multiple energy barriers on top of each other. Even so, at least 20,000 M.D. must be present in order for the attack to be deflected.
NOTE: This action takes one melee to charge and can be fired the next round.
EFFECT 2: A standard attack used when not battling starships this beam is tuned-down for less destructive potential. In this second setting, the beams range is 200 miles, and will inflict 1D6x100 M.D to EVERYTHING in path.
EFFECT 3: The lowest setting of the beam which is generally generated from the eyes or other appendages is meant to engage small annoying targets. Usually fired in volleys of 2 to 3 depending on eyes or appendages. The low-power beam has range of 5000ft, and will inflict 1D6x10 M.D.from each beam.

6. SHOCKWAVE: This ability can generate an expanding bubble of energy from the body, capable of annihilating anything within is boundaries. One attack is to generate this field and then fly through all mecha and spaceships in this area, causing massive amounts of damage and wiping out entire fleets one ship at a time.

SPIRITIA COST: 750 initial use, plus 50/round to maintain.
EFFECT: A 700 ft to 1400 ft diameter energy sphere is generated around his body. Anything caught within this area will immediately sustain 8D6x10 M.D. each round. Anything coming into contact with the perimeter of the sphere will immediately sustain 4D6x10 M.D. each round.

7. DIRECTIONAL SHOCKWAVE: Unlike the shockwave ability which generates an expanding bubble of energy from their body. This ability is capable of focusing this shockwave into a beam for a ranged attack.

SPIRITIA COST: 350 initial use, plus 25/round to maintain if needed.
EFFECT: Attack used when not battling starships this beam is tuned-down for less destructive potential. In this setting, the range is 200 miles, and will inflict 8D6x10 M.D to EVERYTHING in path. And will continue to damage target as long as it is in contact with beam. Anything coming into contact with the perimeter of the blast will immediately sustain 4D6x10 M.D. each round.

MjrPrtDvoiddestruction (49K) 8. GRAVIMETRIC DISTORTION ATTACK)(1): This is the enhanced ablity to generate an expanding bubble of energy from the body, capable of annihilating anything within is boundaries. This form of attack can apparently be able to expand the power to the brink of killing oneself. The attack only demostrated once was enough to destroy a planet many Varuata mecha, UN Spacy mecha, and Valgo. This attack did killed Gigile. One attack is to generate this field and then fly into a nice crowded group of ships and mecha causing massive amounts of damage and wiping out entire fleets. . He/She can control this void to deliver three levels of devestation. The first two are generally used in combat, the third only used in desperation.

ATTACK (A): Basic Distortion/Void Attack
SPIRITIA COST: (1) 750 initial use, plus 50/round to maintain.
EFFECT : A 900 ft to 3000 ft diameter energy/void sphere is generated around the body. Anything caught within this area will immediately sustain 10D6x10 M.D. each round. Anything coming into contact with the perimeter of the sphere will immediately sustain 6D6x10 M.D. each round.
ATTACK (B): Enhanced Distrotion/Void Attack
SPIRITIA COST: (2) 900 intial use, plus 100/round to maintain
EFFECT : A 3000 ft to 10,000 ft diameter energy sphere is generated around the body. Anything caught inside 3000ft of this area will immediately sustain 10D10x10 M.D. each round. Anything caught inbetween 3000ft and 10,000ft will sustain 6D10x10 M.D. each round. Anything coming into contact with the perimeter of the sphere will immediately sustain 6D6x10 M.D. each round.
SUICIDIAL SHOCKWAVE: This attack is utterly devestating to anything that can not get away from it. The only way to survive this attack is to either put up a Spritia Shield/Aura or not be there (FOLD OUT). Anything within 20,000ft is immediately destroyed, 20,000ft and beyond have 1D4 melee rounds to escape to beyond 2000 miles. Everything with 2000 miles is destroyed and if on a planet it will self destruct from a massive loss of it crust. This attack is only seen once and probalby will not be used again but is here for info.
SPIRITIA COST (SUICIDIAL ATTACK): This attack will expend all avaliable spiritia and will kill the user.

9. GRAVIMETRIC DISTORTION ATTACK)(2): Ablity to convert spiritia energy directly into gravitic blasts with the power similiar to those found on most UN Spacy and Varuta warships.

SPIRITIA COST: 500 (effect 1), 350 (effect 2), 150 (effect 3)
EFFECT 1: This the most devestating attack of the creature. The beam has a range of 100,000 miles, And will cause 1D4x10,000 to everything in it's path. The path of destruction can be varied 500ft to 2 miles wide but the range is reduced by 1/2 doing this.
EFFECT 2:A standard attack used when not battling starships this beam is tuned-down for less destructive potential. In this second setting, the attack's range is 200 miles, and will inflict 1D8x100 M.D to EVERYTHING in path.
EFFECT 3: The lowest setting of the beam which is generally generated from the eyes or other appendages is meant to engage small annoying targets. Usually fired in volleys of 2 to 3 depending on eyes or appendages. The low-power beam has range of 5000ft, and will inflict 1D8x10 M.D.from each beam.

MjrPrtDvalgominons (78K) 10. GENERATE MINIONS: This unique ability can create up to 50 minions max. at will. These minions have the ability to absorb and collect spiritia. Every time a minion absorbs spiritia, the minion grows in size, (maximum size: twice its starting size, 6ft. tall). The minions have a maximum Spiritia Capacity of 300, for each minion. The minions however, unlike the protodevilin, cannot generate an aura and can be affected by conventional weapons. If the minions MDC is depleted, the minion turns into 10 smaller versions of its larger self each having 1 MDC each, also the smaller version does not have the power of telekenesis. In addtion the smaller creatures can absorb spiritia at a rate of 1D6 per round using a contact attack. The smaller creatures will be vulnerable with a low MDC. If the larger version of the minion is hit with twice the damage of its MDC, the minion is totaly destroyed.

MDC VALUE/SIZE: Starting Size (6ft)-60 MDC, Full Size (12ft)-120 MDC, Very Small (3ft)- 1 MDC
BONUSES: Starting Size +4to dodge, Full Size +2 to dodge and strike, Very Small -2 to hit
ATTACKS: 2 each per round
500mph and can hover indefinately.
SPIRITIA POWERS: The minions have limited power of telekenesis and can lift and can hurl objects of up to 3 tons max. weight.
DAMAGE: 1D10 MD per 100 pounds, 1D10 per 50 ft thrown for the range to impact. Example: 1 ton car (2000 lbs) thrown at a destroid at a distance of 200 feet. 2000 divided by 100 = 20D10. Range is 200 feet divided by 50 = 4D10. Add together for total damage.


11. REGENERATE: Protodevilin have the ability to heal and regenerate parts of their body even if large portions are destroyed. As long as the head stays intact this ability will function with the proper spiritia reserve. Zomd and Goram used this ability to recover from reaction weaponary damage.
NOTE: This ability will not work if there is more than 80% damage done to creature.

EFFECT: Creature is fully healed and restored. Includes any lost body parts.

12. SPIRITIA ABSORBTION: Protodeviln can only sustain itself by feeding on the life forces of other living beings. Thus, the creature is capable of absorbing life from anything around it, adding the captured energy to its own.

EFFECT 1: An area of 1000 ft (333 m) in diameter is affected by this power. All flora and fauna in this area will begin to lose 1D6 M.E/Spritia. per round (spiritia points are deducted first) until able to escape from the vicinity. When M.E. is reduced to 0, the creature(s) will fall into a coma until revived.

13. PERMANANT POSSESSION: When a Major Protodevlin is not able to fully awaken and has at least 10% of it's initial spiritia it can possess the body of another person (human or zentraedi) present. While in possession of the body they have full access to the person's memories, and has all their skills and abilities at listed level. They have no powers usually. Although they must still consume spiritia to remain alive they can not steal it without technology. Once possessed, they can't be driven out or revived.

EFFECT: The victim rolls a contest of mental energy (M.E.) with Major Protodevilin. If the victim fails then it automatically possesses the person. The victim remains possessed indefinitely with the Protodevilin.

14. AURA: An ability to generate a spherical energy barrier around his/her body to protect from physical damage. The Aura will protect all of the protodevilin unless it grows in size from spritia absorption.

SPIRITIA MDC: 1200/can only be affected by some form of Spiritia Attack.
SPIRITIA COST: 200 initial use, plus 10/round to maintain
EFFECT:A spherical force field will completely enclose the creature, protecting it from harm. This barrier is immune to ALL non-spiritia attacks, including autocannon shells, lasers, particle beams, plasma, missiles, and even the main gun of the Macross.
NOTE: When it grows it's aura will not be able to encompass all of the creature from massive attacks such as reaction weaponary. The aura will maily protect the core main body, head,legs, and arms. Any other appendages will be blown off in any big attack. No other existing form of energy barriers can match the strength of protodeviln auras, not even the advanced shield system aboard the original ASS-1.

15. FLIGHT: With this abitiy it can telekinetically propel himself at incredible speeds through both atmosphere and space. By combining this power with his Aura (I) he can take people with him, even unprotected through space at sub-light speeds.

EFFECT 1: Major Protodevilin can fly at faster than light speeds
SPIRITIA COST: 25/round for faster-than-light speeds.

EFFECT 2: Major Protodevilin can fly at sublight speeds.
SPIRITIA COST: 5/round for sublight speeds.

16. SPRITIA VISON/ SENSE: Protodevilin have the unique ability to detect lifeforms and measure the spiritia levels of those lifeforms. This allows it to locate the strongest spiritia in a group, even through 20 ft of metal or armor. Also they can sense powerful spirtia from great distances.

EFFECT: Can see spirita up to 8000ft away and sense powerful spirtia (anima spiritia) from an extreme distance: gm's choice as to how far, (NOTE: Glavil sensed Basara from a great distance outside the Varauta system)/

17. SPIRITIA DRAIN: MajorProtodevilin can only sustain themselves by feeding on the life forces of other living beings. Thus, the creature is capable of draining life from another individual, just like a vampire sucks the blood of a person. This power is very effective vs. other protodevilin. When attacking those with spirtia powers (Protodevilin, Anima Spiritia.) spiritia is taken first before ME. Usually they will grab thier target and hold it while stealing it's precious Spiritia.

EFFECT: It steals 3D6x100 spiritia/ME per turn and is a contact attack.However, the victim must roll under his/her current M.E. (Counting the previous effects of drain) to remove himself from the beam's attraction, or else must remain in its thrall, and thus, continue to be drained. Protodeviln need not roll to hit the brain of the target.
EXAMPLE Glavil grabbed Sivil and begun stealing spiritia. This attack will cause MDC damage once spiritia is gone. Mortal to protodevilin. If all spiritia/MDC is taken roll vs. Coma.

18. Random Physical Ability Tables: Some Protodevilin have unique features and distictive looks. Each has 1D4 of the following with GM's discrection. Other distictive features can be added at GM"s choice.

01-30 Wings - Creature has wings. Mainly for appearance and for some atmospheric flight.
31-40 Claws - Big ones: (like Glavil's) 3D4x10, or small ones 1D8x10 each.
41-50 Fangs - Big Sharp pointy teeth to eat things, like mecha. Damage 2D6x10 MD.
51-60 Extra Appendages: Nuff said.
61-70 Extremely Scary - +1D6 to HF
71-80 Twins: (Zomd and Goram) Has a symbiotic partner almost identical to itself. Does everything with each other (fighting, talking, etc) Initiative rolled represents both together. Also share spiritia base and anything stolen or lost. If one is killed the other will likely go insane. (Roll vs Insanity) And the surviving member will have 1/2 of total base.
81-90 Fusion Ability: Has ablity to merge with another specific protodevilin to form a more powerful lifeform.. Fused creature has all abilities of all involved and their size is usually doubled. (MDC is also doubled and spiritia power damage is also.) Also thier spiritia bases are combined. This ability is time limited: 1D6x5 minutes. Creatures must rest for one full day before they can attempt again.
91-00 Additional Spiritia Power: choose one.

19. PROTODEVILIN VS. PROTODEVILIN/EVIL/SPIRITIA WARFARE COMBAT: The protodevilin's aura prohibits all conventional attacks from harming it in battle. The only way to injure one is to use either spritia warfare, spiritia absorption, or physical harm.

1. Spritia Warfare: is covered in the Spritia Rules.
2. Spritia Absorption: This is actually two different forms. The protodevilin's ability to steal spritia or the mechanical spritia absorption weapon generally carried on Varuata mecha or the Gunpod seen in the final days of the Macross 7/Varuata War.
3. Physical Damage: The only way to receive damage is by other MDC structures- EVIL, Protodevilin.

© 2001 D. Henwood

© Aaron Sketchley