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Stats By D. Henwood
Ver 1.1 2015.01.24

Official Setting information is in darkgreen. Extended Universe information is in steelblue.

UNSDB: Pirate/Poacher OCC

Pirates in human controlled space are a rare thing, however some do exist. Using stolen warships if they can capture them or modified space freighters they are out to make as much money for themselves as possible with little or no regard for other people. Pirate unlike mercenaries or the Anti-UN have no desire to destroy ships they encounter as they are unable to gain any form of reward from doing so. Usually they will target a ships engines to disable it and then board it, subduing the crew and passengers as quickly as possible and then taking what they want before the UN Spacy Galaxy Patrol shows up, (if the disabled vessel managed to get a distress call out.) Some Pirate groups are even capable of obtaining Variable Fighters and learning how to use them, however the numbers of VF's are normally very limited. Some `Pirates' however will instead become Poachers. There is a lot of money to be had from capturing and selling Galactic Space Whales because of the immense uses in starship engines that these whales provide. There is no set starting age for Pirates although the average starting age is 16. They receive no formal training and learn everything on the job, however they do have a wide range of skills that they can learn, especially as some Pirates come from careers which have given formal training and can pass these skills on.

Pre-requisite requirements


Radio: Basic                   +10%
Pilot Spacecraft               +15%
Read Sensory Instruments       +10%
Weapon Systems                 +10%
Zero-G Movement                +10%
WP-Automatic Pistol
Hand to Hand:Basic (Can be upgraded to Expert for one skill) 

Choose 9 skills. (2 additional skill at levels 3 & 6,1 additional at levels 9 & 12).

Communications         -       Any (+5%)
Domestic               -       Any
Electrical             -       Any (+5%)
Espionage              -       Intelligence only (+10%)
Mechanical             -       Any (+10%)
Medical                -       First Aid only (+5)
Military               -       Any 
Physical               -       Any, except acrobatics
Pilot                  -       Any (+10%)
Pilot Related          -       Any (+5%)
Rogue                  -       Any (+10%)
Science                -       Basic & Advanced maths only (+10%)
Technical              -       Any (+5%) 
WP                     -       Any

Secondary Skills
(Select any 6 other skills with no bonuses).

Wages & Rank
Pirates receive a share of whatever they steal or sell, thus their `wages' are dependant on the GM's position. Pirates hold no particular ranks, just specific jobs, the only ranks that a Pirate can hope one day to obtain is 1st officer or Captain of a Pirate ship.

Standard Equipment:

Special Assignment
Whatever they can afford, or their Captain can provide (GM's discretion).

Experience Points/Levels
Pirates/Poachers uses the same chart as the UN Soldier in regard to experience points and levels.

© 2002 D. Henwood

© Aaron Sketchley