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Stats By D. Henwood
Ver 1.1 2015.01.24

Official Setting information is in darkgreen. Extended Universe information is in steelblue.

UNSDB: Zentran Command Officer RCC/OCC

The epitome of the perfect warrior, the Zentraadi Command Officer is stronger, more enduring, and smarter than any other Zentran warrior. It is this reason that they are given command of the Zentran Fleets. Whereas some Zentran Officers will find promotion to the rank of Fleet Commander it is the Command Officer who upon stepping from the cloning chamber is handed an entire Fleet. It could be less than a dozen ships or it could be several million, either way they are designed to lead.

Zentran Command Officer have the same basic skills as every other Zentran yet with additional skills designed to assist them in leading the Fleets of Zentran Warriors.

Command Officers get the following racial bonuses.

Zentran Attributes
IQ 3D6+6 
ME 3D6 
MA 3D6 
PS 4D6+4 
PP 3D6 
PE 4D6+4 
PB 3D6 
Spd 3D6       
Hitpoints: PEx100 + 1D6x100 per level. If micronized, divide by 100.
SDC: 3500 plus any SDC bonus from physical skills is multiplied by 100 and added. If micronized, divide by 100.
SIZE: 35+1D12 feet tall. When micronized, divide by 6 (i.e. a 35 ft. tall Zentradi would be 5'10" micronized).

Pre-requisite requirements
Must be male Zentraedi. PE & PS 14, IQ 12


Pilot Zentraedi Mecha          +20%
Mecha Combat: Zentraedi Mecha  N/A
Spaceship                      +15%
Space shuttle                  +15%
Tactics/Strategy               +20%
Intelligence                   +20%
Lore: Zentraedi                +10%                    
Weapons Systems                +10%
Read Sensory Instruments       +10%
Navigation: All                +10%
Radio:Basic                    +10%
Math: Basic                    +10%
Language Zentraedi             95%
Literacy Zentraedi             95%
WP: Energy Pistol
WP: Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Expert
(Can upgrade to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts for cost of 1 skill)

Choose 7 skills. (1 additional skill at level 3. 2 Extra skills at levels 6, 9 & 12).

Communications         -       Any (+10%)
Domestic               -       None
Electrical             -       None 
Espionage              -       Any (+15%)
Mechanical             -       None
Medical                -       First Aid, Paramedic only (+5%)
Military               -       Any (+15%)
Physical               -       Any (+5%)
Pilot                  -       Any Mecha or Aerospace (+10%)
Pilot Related          -       Any (+5%)
Rogue                  -       None
Science                -       Math only
Technical              -       EVA, and Language/Literacy only 
WP                     -       Any

Secondary Skills
(Select any 4 other skills with no bonuses).

Wages & Rank
Zentraedi recieve no wages.

Standard Equipment:
Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Uniform, Armour, Shield (if required,) Glaug BattlePod or Nousjadel-Ger Power Armour.

Experience Points/Levels
The Zentran Command Officer uses the Military Specialist chart in regard to experience points and levels.

© 2002 D. Henwood

© Aaron Sketchley